
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Full Bellies

Today is Tuesday and Tuesday is Backpack Day.  Our backpack program is called WeekEND Hunger.  For $100 per child we are able to fill backpacks with 3 meals for each weekend day. It is unfortunate that some children only get meals while at school.  Our schools provide needy children with breakfast and lunch each day and many of them don't have another meal until the next morning when they get back to school.  It came to my friend, Linda's, attention that some of these children would have no food at all during the weekends so she came to our parish council and explained the backpack program. Linda then started putting articles into our parish bulletin requesting donations and mentioning the program to everyone with whom she came into contact.  We have a very generous parish and Linda was able to collect enough money for us to feed 72 children every weekend for the entire school year!!
This is a photo of bounty that I preserved early in the Harvest Season.
So much abundance for some and so little for others.
At the beginning of the harvest season I get very excited.
 I can't wait to get started with my baking, freezing and canning.
 Then, as time goes on, it starts to become a chore.
  I need to remember how blessed I am to have all this bounty to preserve.
So today I am giving Thanks that I have never in my life known hunger and that my children have never had to know hunger.  We have always had food on the table, clothes on our backs and a roof over our heads.  Not all are so lucky.

1 comment:

  1. I grew up in a very poor family and sometimes my mom would use clever ways to feed us so that we didn't know we were eating that way because she had nothing else to feed us. I was blessed to have her for my mom. Our school district also does backpacks for for the weekend! Thanks for sharing


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