
Monday, November 4, 2013

Luxurious....What a Great Word

I am on my second cup of coffee, with my laptop in my bed and it is 8 am.  My day would normally be in full swing right now but Mom won't be home until tomorrow morning so I am luxuriating in my freedom for one more day.

I am not sure what I am going to do with this day yet which in itself is a luxury.  Frank has a 9 am meeting but I am hoping that he is done early enough to buy me lunch and take me to see either Captain Phillips or Last Vegas.  I want to see both but they are such very different movies.   I feel more in the mood for a comedy but Captain Phillips has been out longer and may be gone by the time we get the chance to go to the movies again. I am going to let Frank decide.

Frank decided on Captain Phillips. It was excellent. I was on the edge of my seat the entire movie.  I would certainly recommend this movie if you have the luxury of going out for a night or afternoon.

I think Luxurious is a very cool word.  I like the feel of it rolling off my tongue. I like the thought of it rolling around in my head.
adjective: luxurious
  1. 1.
    extremely comfortable, elegant, or enjoyable, esp. in a way that involves great expense.

Dinner tonight comes from Cuisine at Home, Issue No. 54. I chose it not only because it sounds delicious but it will help me use up some of my veggies from my CSA.

I first peeled, seeded and diced a butternut squash.  This squash yielded about 3 1/2 cups of squash so I was able to put a cup into a container to be roasted on another night.
I sautéed the remaining squash and 2 leeks, thinly sliced, in 2T.of butter.
I added a 1/4 c of chicken broth and a couple of pinches of sugar.
When the liquid was evaporated and the squash was tender, I added my greens.
The recipe called for Swiss Chard but I didn't have any so I used some Kale that was in my fridge.
Those of you who follow me are used to me adapting recipes to suit my family's taste and what I have available in my pantry and fridge.  You could use any greens you have on hand.  I steamed this until the greens were tender.  Seasoned it with salt and pepper and set it aside to cool.
While it was cooling I mixed together 1 c. of Gruyere Cheese, shredded, 1 c. of Ricotta Cheese, 1 c. of Parmesan Cheese and an egg.
Then I added the squash and greens to the cheese mixture.
I made a Béchamel Sauce.  This is done by making roux using equal parts of butter and flour. In this case, 1/4 c. of each.  I then gradually added 1 c. heavy cream and 2 c. 1% milk whisking constantly until it was thickened and then I seasoned it with salt, pepper and nutmeg.  The recipe called for 3 cups of whole milk, but again I didn't have that in my fridge so I improvised.
I coated the bottom of a baking pan with half of the Béchamel Sauce.
Cooked 8 Lasagna Noodles and cut each in half.
Filled each half with the squash mixture and rolled them up.
Placed them in the pan.
Covered with the remaining Béchamel Sauce and 1/2 c. each of grated Gruyere and Parmesan Cheese.  Put it in the oven at 425* to bake for 25 minutes.
It looked beautiful and tasted luxurious.
It's time for yoga. Namaste everyone.


  1. Your dinner looked absolutely delish! I cannot remember the last time we went to a movie. May you have a day of peace!

    1. Paula, I hope you have some down time soon. I know how hard it is for you to take time for yourself but it is very important that you do so.

    2. I know that it is important Wendy. I just don't do it. I am fortunate that my son comes from a town nearby every Saturday with his daughter and I get to spend Saturday nights sleeping in my own bed. It is heaven. So right now this is working for me! Thanks for caring Wendy!!

  2. These look like a perfect addition to my recipe collection!
    Gruyere is one of my favorite cheeses ever!


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