
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Worthwhile Wednesday

I had a very productive morning.  I had left all the mess from my cooking so that I could get the food to Kim by dinnertime.  Then we went out for dinner and I had wine so when I came home I had no oomph and just sat in front of the boob tube.

So I awoke this morning to a big mess.  Got that taken care of , made breakfast for Mom, Nancy, me and Frank, worked for an hour on the basement and finished my Halloween Door Hanging.  Bonus is that it is only 10:30 so I have an hour before I have to leave to have birthday lunch with Linda.

This was a very quick and easy project using a panel from Hobby Lobby.
Frank is flying today and I couldn't go because I had no Mom sitter available so he asked his friend Jim to go with him.  When they land, they will call and Jim's wife, Linda (I have a lot of Linda's in my life) will come and get me and Mom and we will meet the guys for dinner. 

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