
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Super Sunday

I am very happy because I am going to a painting class today.  I love painting classes for many reasons.  First, when I am painting everything else leaves my mind.  Secondly, when I leave my painting class my project is complete...all I have to do is let it dry and  frame it.  Lastly, I feel so dang creative...I never ever thought that I could paint but my instructor is amazing, the technique we use is foolproof and everyone who takes the class paints a beautiful rendition of the chosen painting.  Another bonus is that several of my friends take the class with me so I get to spend time with them.  Frank is wonderful about caring for Mom while I am gone so that I can just spend the day in the zone with no worries.

We all bring something to eat, I am bringing my corn chowder and some pears from my tree. It is a very full day we start at 11 and usually are done around 4 with only a 20 minute break for lunch.  My friend, Lou, is bringing a vegetable tray, my friend, Janeil, is bringing dessert and all the other students will bring stuff also so we feast for that 20 minutes we have available to us.

Before I leave I am going to go down and organize my storage room for 15 minutes.  I did not get down to the basement at all yesterday so I definitely need to get down there today. Go me....I stayed down there for a half an hour to make up for missing yesterday.

Had a great time at painting class as always and I am pleased (for the most part) with my painting.

"It was a dark and spooky night"

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