
Monday, March 7, 2022

Sweet Potato and Beet Hash #MoviesandMunchies

Colorful and nutritious this dish is a delight for the stomach and the eyes.  I was inspired to create this dish after watching the film "Off the Menu".

Sweet Potato and Beet Hash with Egg

Sweet potato, beet, poblano pepper hash is served up beautifully golden and crisp.  This would make a perfect side dish to any meal however I served it topped with a perfectly fried egg on Ash Wednesday when we abstain from meat.

movies and munchies logo

I am hosting this month's Movies and Munchies and invited the others to join me in watching Off the Menu.  You can learn more about how to join in the fun in my Invitation Post.

Off the Menu

If you like Rom Coms and you like food you are going to LOVE this fun, quirky movie.  It is very predictable and very quaint and you can just relax and enjoy it without having to think too much.  

sweet potato and beet hash

One of the very first food scenes shows Javiera making a delicious looking sweet potato and beet hash that she tops with an egg for her daughters breakfast.  As she is cooking, Javiera tells her daughter of her grandfather and how she is trying to live his legacy, that food is love.

Roasted Vegetables

I knew that the flavor profile of this dish would be wonderful but I was concerned about the beauty of the dish.  I wasn't sure how I was going  to mix the hash without everything turning muddy from the beets.  

I decided to roast the vegetables before making the hash.  I roasted them separately so the colors wouldn't run together.  The Teen is not a beet lover so I made some roasted sweet potato chunks for her meal.


While the beets and potatoes roasted, I diced up a shallot, some garlic and a poblano pepper to add flavor and color to the hash.


I cooked up the pepper and aromatics until tender and fragrant.  Then I added the roasted vegetables and left them to crisp up and brown while I started preparing the eggs.

hash pin

It turned out lovely.  I didn't have any of Javiera's special, family secret, salsa so I used a store bought guacamole salsa that was a great, flavorful addition to this wonderful meal.

Entrees, Vegetarian, Sweet Potatoes, Eggs, Beets, Hash, Breakfast
Entrees, Vegetarian
Yield: 3 servings
Author: A Day in the Life on the Farm
Sweet Potato and Beet Hash with Egg

Sweet Potato and Beet Hash with Egg

Sweet potato, beet, poblano pepper hash is served up beautifully golden and crisp, then topped with an egg (or two) for a complete meal.
Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 35 MinTotal time: 45 Min


  • 1 sweet potato, diced
  • 1 beet, diced
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 poblano pepper, diced
  • 1 small shallot, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • desired number of eggs, fried
  • Prepared Guacamole Salsa, if desired.


  1. Toss the sweet potato with olive oil, salt and pepper and place onto half of a sheet pan that has been covered with aluminum foil.
  2. Toss the beet with olive oil, salt and pepper and place onto the second half of the sheet pan, leaving space between the beet and potato.
  3. Roast in a preheated 400* oven for about 20 minutes, tossing once or twice, until tender.
  4. Heat about 1 Tablespoon of olive oil in a cast iron skillet over med high heat. Add the peppers, shallot and garlic and cook until vegetables are tender and fragrant. Add the roasted beet and potato to the skillet and stir to combine. Let cook, without disturbing until the bottoms start to brown and crisp, about 7 minutes, flip and cook for another 4-5 minutes.
  5. Plate and top with a fried egg or two, as desired.
  6. Drizzle with Guacamole Salsa, if desired.

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)



  1. I thought about doing this one but decided on the peppers. I am glad you did this so it is saved as an idea. The guacamole salsa looks great! Thanks for hosting.

    1. We can swap recipes and compare. Yours is earmarked for me in the future.

  2. Oh yummy! My husband has a similar recipe that I posted before, but seeing your recipe made me want to have it again!

    1. Fun that we both went for breakfasts inspired by this movie Terri.

  3. Was so hoping someone would make that dish. I plan on using your recipe soon for a quick dinner. Thanks for hosting! Fun film and I LOVED the setting!

    1. I'm glad that you enjoyed it Debra. This is a wonderful dinner.


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