
Friday, July 14, 2017

Gearing up for Goodbyes and the Weekly Menu

Tonight is our last evening with Dian and his family.  That was the fastest 3 weeks ever!!!  I feel so blessed to have gotten to know Helena and Jordan.  Dian has a lovely family and I am so happy that he brought them to visit and allows us to be part of it.

This evening Dian is taking a whole gang of us out for dinner at a local restaurant.  They leave tomorrow afternoon for the loooooooong flight home to Denmark.  We are going to miss having our little Joyful Jordan around.  He is the happiest little guy ever.

Tomorrow, we are going to the local theater in our town to see Sister Act with John, Kirsten, Larry and Mary, followed by dinner out. 

Sunday, Larry and Mary are leaving to go visit her sister, Susie, who lives on the west side of our State for a few days.  This house is going to be very quiet very fast.

Wednesday is Food Pantry day and also the day Larry and Mary return home so they can attend her School Reunion on Thursday evening.

Friday evening our niece, Stephanie, is hosting a family gathering at her home.  So it is an easy menu week around here.  Just Frank and I catching our breaths after the whirlwind of activity and before the fun begins anew.

Blogwise, I am posting with Back to School Recipes each day, combining that event with Fantastical Food Fight on Wednesday, Crazy Ingredient Challenge on Thursday and Fish Friday Foodies to finish the week off.

Out for dinner after Sister Act

Sunday Supper

Meatless Monday

BBQ beef Sandwiches (using leftover Pot Roast)

Out for dinner after Food Pantry

Steamed Rice

Dinner at Steph and Tom's

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