
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Sharing our projects and the Weekly Menu

We have been very busy around here.  We have been tearing down walls (take that Trump!).  Of course, we have been building walls too (but friendly, welcoming walls) and chicken runs and closets and....well you get the idea.

The house we bought had a four season room added on but the previous owners left the window's that were framing the fireplace and the doorwall that led to the master bedroom.  So Frank removed them and is filling them with wall space that includes electrical outlets which were in very short supply in the room.

We took the dimensions of our master closet to the container store and they designed and installed a new closet for us.  I haven't moved all of our clothes into it yet because they are in the guest room which currently has all our hardwood flooring that is waiting to be installed stacked in front of the closet.

We also spent several days making a run for the hens and moving them and their coop outside.  They were so excited to get back into sunshine and fresh air. Our old property was primarily clay and hard as rock.  This new property has sandy soil.  The hens couldn't get enough of that sand!!  They dug holes, snuggled down and started fanning the sand over themselves with their wings.  It made the 4 days of hard work all worth it, just to see them so happy.

We have been so fortunate that the weather has been so lovely.  This is the nicest Fall I can ever remember. Perfect for working outside.  We took down a huge limb of the olive tree that sits in the front yard and was interfering with the driveway.  The tree still looks beautiful but it no longer causes problems for cars driving through.  

Things show no signs of slowing down for a while.  The dry wall guy should be coming this week and then we can get the painter in.  The flooring is scheduled for installation starting the 16th of the month.  The great room window treatments should be in any day and the bookcases to replace the windows that flanked the fireplace should be here next week. I figure we will be going nonstop from now until after the holidays.

I'm just going to take it one week at a time.  Today I am at our annual scrapbooking event with Lili and Jen who came down from TC to spend the weekend, Amy, Kirsten, Karen and Cathy who also came down from up north.  As you can see  read, I am not scrapbooking this year.  Normally, I would be making my Christmas cards but I decided to send out premade cards this year in the interest of saving my sanity.  

Tomorrow, Frank is holding a CPL class.  I will be serving chili and cornbread to his students for lunch.  Our friends, Kim and Kurt, are coming over afterwards to join us for dinner.

Monday, I have to miss my regularly scheduled church meeting for a different church meeting. During the day I have errands to pantry, bank, grocery store, etc...

Tuesday is election day...I will be so happy to have this election over with.  I am so tired of all the constant propaganda, slandering and slurring...May the best candidate win.

Wednesday, Frank's cousins, the Popps, are joining us for dinner and to see the new house.  Thursday is choir practice and Friday, my friend, Karen, is having a Norwex party.

So here is the Weekly menu.  I will be getting back here as time allows to post photos and recipes so make sure to stop in and say hey.

Scrapbooking, Frank is on his own

Egg Noodles
Buttered Corn


Spinach and Mushroom Chicken
Roasted Potatoes

Roasted Root Vegetables
Mashed Potatoes
Caramelized Cranberry Cake

Hot Beef Sandwiches (using leftover pot roast)

Norwex Party-Frank on his own


  1. Your menu sounds good. All of your projects, although, wonderful just make me tired. LOL! Wish I had a Frank at my house. Richard was so good with projects and had such an amazing woodworking skill. Can't wait to see the pictures of your finished house

    1. I can't wait to share them Paula....I'm so ready to be done with this move.


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