
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Let's talk Best Desserts of 2015 on Day 4 of Countdown to 2016

My friend Sarah, of Fantastical Sharing of Recipes, is hosting this party for the second year in a row. She has invited foodie bloggers to post their best recipes of 2015 as we countdown to a New Year. Last year on the 4th day I shared Appetizers and Snacks.  This year, as you can see, we are sharing our Best Desserts.  This is apropos for this day as it would have been my parents 78th Wedding Anniversary and my Pop's loved him his sweets.

I have my Dessert Page broken down into 7 separate categories, starting with Cakes, Doughnuts and Brownies.  That is what I am starting with today.

Next up is Cookies and Bars.  I had a hard time choosing because I am the original Cookie Monster.

Here are some of my favorite Pies, Pastries, Crisps and Crumbles from 2015.

A few more from other categories

And my most unique, elegant and personal favorite

Time to drool over some more fabulous desserts


  1. You have so many to choose from, how do you pick just one?

    1. Ah and therein lies the problem as to why my jeans are getting tight.

  2. Oh my goodness. So much delicious-ness on one page. I quit wearing jeans because they kept getting so tight!!

    1. I'm tempted but then I think I would just lose track of how much weight I am gaining.

  3. Great selection of desserts, Wendy. I'm happy to see that I've checked out most of these recipes already, too. :)

    1. Let me know what you think should you try any of them Lauren.

  4. I adore cheesecake, so your Irish Cream Cheesecake is calling my name.

  5. That biscotti has my name written all over it!

    1. That was my first try at biscotti and I was very pleased with how it turned out Amy.


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