
Friday, September 19, 2014

The Good and The Bad

Approx. 4 am.  Time for the Epidural

Welcome Melody Elizabeth Jacobson.
9/19/14  6:53 AM

7 pounds 8.4 ounces.
And very healthy lungs!!

20 inches long.

They both did a great job!!

This would have been the perfect day except that when we got home I got a call from our Vet.  Buddy's lab reports are back.  The growth in his nose was a malignant melanoma.  Very aggressive. Very fast growing. And the edges were not clean which means that it has spread past that tumor and into other areas.  Buddy Boy has been a good and faithful companion for nearly 13 years, we will do everything in our power to make his remaining time comfortable.  Tears of joy turn to tears of sadness....such is the circle of life.

One year ago--Fall is in the Air


  1. Awww....such a sweet baby. And I am so sad about Buddy!! Hugs for you my friend

  2. The good and the bad, for certain. Give the baby a little extra squeeze from me? And, give Buddy a big body hug from here. You gave him a good long life, and happy. He's a lucky fellow. (((Hugs))) for you from here.

    1. Thanks Zip, I will take all the hugs I can get and Buddy boy loves cuddling.

  3. What a sweet baby - so excited for you. Congratulations. So sorry to hear about Buddy. Sending hugs to you. We lost Casey-Dog to cancer. It just stinks. They just don't deserve it. Sending hugs and prayers.

    1. Thanks Lisa, Buddy boy will be the 4th dog I have lost to cancer.


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