
Friday, September 19, 2014

Another Surprise Delivery

If you have not read my previous post about our exciting delivery today you need to go run over there right now and meet our grand-daughter, Melody Elizabeth.  

Now that you are done seeing the most beautiful baby in the world (so says I) it is time for me to share another delivery I found waiting for me when I got home from the hospital.  A large group of us are currently involved in a #10DayofTailgate event.  In fact, I posted on that earlier today also and you can learn all about it right here.

As you saw from that last post (that you just ran over and saw) one of our sponsors is Gourmet Garden....and boy oh boy what great sponsors they are!!!  Just loo what they sent to us!!

I opened the outer packaging and inside I found this nifty little cooler

Holding 1 dozen, yes 12, different herbs and spices!!

Thank you Gourmet Garden!!!  I cannot wait to take advantage of your generosity.  Make sure you go back to the last post tomorrow to enter for your chance to win one of fourteen different and wonderful prizes!!


  1. Well, I must say that looks interesting...herbs and spices in tubes?

    1. yes and they stay refrigerated so they are fresh instead of dried.


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