
Friday, September 19, 2014

It is Finally Here!! #10DaysofTailgate

This announcement was provided to us from our hostess with the mostest, Camilla, of Culinary Adventures with Camilla.  She invited us to get ideas from it or just to post it which I did because why mess with perfection!! Well, except for the one line that I added in italics LOL.

Welcome to #10DaysofTailgate! We have nearly two dozen bloggers with over one hundred recipes scheduled to inspire you through an entire tailgating season. Think chicken wings, skewers, sweet nibbles, and cocktails. The event runs September 20th through September 30th. Just remember: your fork does not go into your matter how much you might want to taste some of these dishes. Okay? Get ready...get set...

Go! Let's start with a huge - HUGE! - thank you to our event sponsors who have graciously donated prizes for our readers. These sponsors have contributed great prizes for a gigantic giveaway. We have an incredible giveaway for this event. There are fourteen different prize packages which are detailed in the rafflecopter. The rafflecopter is below and will go live on September 20th. Please check back tomorrow.  I would LOVE if one of my followers were to win a prize!

Our #10DaysofTailgate Sponsors
in alphabetical order with links to their homepages

Our #10DaysofTailgate Bloggers
And...THE giveaway!
Terms & Conditions
Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment with What's your favorite tailgate dish? Many more ways to enter in the Rafflecopter widget [below].

This giveaway is open to residents of the United States only, age 18 and older. The #10DaysofTailgate 2014 giveaway runs from Saturday, September 20, 2014 12:00am PT through Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 6:00pm PT. Winners will be randomly chosen and announced on October 1, 2014. Winners will also be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond to the email. If a winner does not respond in that time a new winner will be chosen. For more information, see the full terms and conditions in the Rafflecopter widget.

Disclaimer: Our generous sponsors are providing the prizes free of charge.  Participating bloggers may have received product related to these brands to use for #10DaysofTailgate. All opinions stated are their own.

Scroll through our fourteen prize packages!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hmmmm…let’s see, my favorite tailgating dish has got to be North Carolina Pulled Pork Sliders with Alabama White Sauce, so easy to make and bring to the tailgate party. I always hog it all up!

    1. That sounds delicious Robin. Will you share your recipe? Thanks so much for stopping by today. Good luck with the raffle.

  2. Replies
    1. Stay tuned to all the posts for tons of great salsa recipes Tara. Good luck in the raffle.

  3. Does sound fun...I am one of the unluckiest persons in the world when it comes to these contest. I must have entered hundreds before I just stopped. But I'll cross my fingers for another of your readers

  4. I love the beer to be honest but food has to stuffed hot peppers with bacon kris


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