
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Waste Not Wednesday

I changed up my menu for this week.  I was scheduled to have Pot Roast tonight and Meatballs tomorrow night but I have some left over pork from our Chinese New Year Celebration that I need to use up.  So for dinner tonight we are having Pork Chop Suey, using the leftover pork, bean sprouts and water chestnuts.

I am moving the Pot Roast to tomorrow night and the Meatballs are off the menu for this week.  We have been hit with another snowstorm and it is still coming down like crazy so no kickboxing class for me today.  Instead I am going on the treadmill this morning.  It is much safer than hazarding these roads. This has been the snowiest winter I can recall in a long time.  We are happy for it, here in Michigan because our water levels in the Great Lakes were down and this should help bring them back up  to where they belong.
So I am happy and content to stay in my warm, cozy house. I have a lot of things that I can work on with a day home but I think I hear my book calling me...
Stay warm all.


  1. I love Chop Suey! Stay safe and warm. I am TIRED of winter.

    1. Yes, I usually love winter but I am definitely looking forward to Key Largo next week.


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