
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Golly Gee, More Goals for Me.

Well here it is, Weekly Goal Wednesday again.  Not only that but it is also the beginning of February so I have a new goal for the 12 Months to a Healthier You Challenge.

I did pretty well with my January challenge of adding in more exercise by joining a kickboxing class which I am really enjoying.

Here is how I did with my goals last week and I have set my goals for the upcoming week.  Good luck with your goals.

Every Day Goals

Time with my Lord

Make Bed


Swish and Swipe

Empty dishwasher/Load breakfast dishes


Straighten House

Last Week's Goals

Attend 3 Kickboxing Classes  I made it to two.
Walk/Run 3 Miles I would be surprised if I walked 3 miles in the entire week LOL.
Finish Organizing Quilting Supplies Sheesh, not much was accomplished this week.
This Week's Goals
Attend 3 Kickboxing Classes
Spend 1 hour on Quilting Project
Get in at least one walk in addition to Kickboxing classes.


  1. Kickboxing would be a fun way to exercise. Take some aggression out at the same time! We have a couch we need to get rid of in our house in order to move in a bike so that we can exercise. Now to find a good home for the couch.

    Hope you have a great week completing your goals!

    1. Thanks Lydia. I am sure that your couch will be very happy in it's new home.


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