
Monday, May 6, 2024

Cinnamon Roll Monkey Bread #BrunchWeek

Take the ease of refrigerator cinnamon rolls from the tube and combine them with the fun of monkey bread.  You will have a lot of happy faces around your Brunch table.

Cinnamon Roll Monkey Bread

Welcome to Brunch Week 2024...........

Christie of A Kitchen Hoor's Adventures invited us to join her on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week in sharing Brunch Recipes.  Something about Spring makes my thoughts turn to a nice leisurely meal with an assortment of foods suitable for breakfast or lunch and a table decorated with daffodils and tulips.

Many of us enjoy sharing brunch with our moms on Mother's Day coming up next Sunday.  With that in mind, I was happy to join in this event so my readers have plenty of brunch ideas.

Brunch Recipes:

More Brunch Recipes:

Cinnamon Roll Monkey Bread pin

With only 3 ingredients and a few minutes of hands-on time, you will have this lovely pull-apart bread as a centerpiece for your Brunch Buffet or Table. 

I will be back on Friday with another Brunch Week recipe but make sure you search #brunchweek on Wednesday to see what the others are sharing that day.  

Breads, Brunch, Easy, Breakfast
Yield: 12 servings
Author: Wendy Klik
Cinnamon Roll Monkey Bread

Cinnamon Roll Monkey Bread

Take the ease of refrigerator cinnamon rolls from the tube and combine them with the fun of monkey bread. You will have a lot of happy faces around your Brunch table.
Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 45 MinTotal time: 1 Hour


  • 8 oz. cream cheese, cut into 24 equal pieces, save 4 pieces for another purpose.
  • 2 cans (5 count) refrigerated cinnamon roll dough with icing
  • 1/2 stick butter, diced


  1. Remove the cinnamon rolls from the tube. Set aside the icing. Cut each cinnamon roll in half.
  2. Fold a cube of cream cheese inside each half of the cinnamon rolls, and form into a triangular shape. Place into a bundt pan that has been treated with baking spray.
  3. Dot the top of the cinnamon rolls with the butter and bake in a preheated 350* oven for about 45 minutes, until deep golden brown.
  4. Let rest in pan for 10 minutes and then turn onto a serving platter, drizzle with the reserved icing, and serve.


Adapted from a recipe by Pillsbury

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)

10.32 g

Sat. Fat (grams)

6.24 g

Carbs (grams)

1.12 g

Fiber (grams)

0 g

Net carbs

1.11 g

Sugar (grams)

0.71 g

Protein (grams)

1.21 g

Sodium (milligrams)

90.39 mg

Cholesterol (grams)

29.21 mg


  1. What's NOT to love about this recipe? Cream cheese stuffed inside a cinnamon roll and then drizzled with icing!! I'm in!

  2. I made this exact recipe for Kirsten and John, when I was staying with them. So good!!! We shared with Gary and Jackie on Farkle night! 😋 Not a crumb was wasted! Lol

  3. I'm sure your guests parked themselves in front of this amazing plate of goodness hoping to have it all to themselves!

  4. Monkey Bread is one of my favorite things to serve at brunch! YUM!

  5. We love monkey bread, I'm sure we would make clean up very easy by devouring the whole thing lol Love that you used the glaze from can of cinnamon rolls.

  6. I love this idea--and what a kid-pleaser!

  7. I am up for these pull apart rolls any time. This recipe is easy and I am planning to try this asap.

  8. I've never had a pull apart bread before but I know that this one would be a huge hit here, my guys love cinnamon rolls!

  9. You can never go wrong with a cinnamon roll monkey bread! This one looks ooey gooey delicious.


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