
Thursday, March 28, 2024

Preparing for Easter and a Weekly Menu featuring leftovers

We are now starting the celebration of the Easter Triduum. We start with Mass tonight for Holy Thursday.  Friday is a day of sorrow and mourning as we acknowledge that our Savior died, nailed to a cross, to redeem us to everlasting life.  Saturday night we will celebrate the Easter Vigil with a Mass and then Sunday is a day of glorious celebration that we will celebrate with a Dinner with family and friends.

Easter Menu
Our Easter Celebration starts with an appetizer buffet and cocktails for the adults, while the youngsters have an Easter Egg Hunt.  Dinner takes a while so after they eat something other than candy,  the kids are allowed to go off and play with the goodies that they received in their Easter Baskets, usually Spring-related small toys like bubbles, jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, kites, etc.

Next week's menu is made using leftovers on the front of my mind.   Happy Easter everyone.

Soup Saturday
Hamburger Soup

Easter Sunday
see large Menu above

Ham Pasta (leftover ham)

Ham and Lentil Soup (ham bone)

Salmon Patty Sandwich  (leftover salmon)
Carrot Pineapple Salad

Chili Topped Corn Casserole (leftover corn casserole)

Out for Dinner

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