
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Green Tomato Relish #SundayFunday

During harvest season, at least here in Michigan, there are loads of tomatoes ripe and juicy for the picking.  Farmers and home gardeners find that they have just as many green tomatoes as red.  This is a great recipe for using up some of those green tomatoes. 

Green Tomato Relish

Join us today as the Sunday Funday Bloggers share recipes using Green Tomatoes......

Renu of Cook with Renu is hosting this week and asked us to join her in sharing Green Tomato Recipes.  I think most of us are familiar with Fried Green Tomatoes.  I almost shared a recipe using these amazing treats on a sandwich with Bacon and Avocado.  I still plan to make that for lunch or dinner one day so stay tuned for the recipe.

I did not plant any tomatoes this year.  I have 4 very spoiled dogs.  Last year they stole every single tomato as soon as it ripened.  So this year, being lucky enough to have neighbors who all have gardens and are very generous, I did not plant a garden.

Hence, as this event was nearing, I had no green tomatoes.  My neighbors had been bringing me tons of ripe tomatoes that I have been immensely enjoying. However, all the green tomatoes were still on the vine. 

Green Tomatoes

On Thursday morning I put out an SOS promising my neighbors relish in return for green tomatoes.  I upped the ante by telling them I would have a neighborhood pool party with burgers and dogs so they could try the relish that I was sharing. 

I was gone most of the day running errands, when I got home I found about 15 lbs of tomatoes, both red and green on my front stoop.  So, I spent Thursday evening making this delicious relish.  

Green Tomato Relish

This is a very easy recipe.  The food processor does most of the work.  Once everything is finely chopped it needs to be placed in colanders and allowed to drain for 3-4 hrs. I prepped mine and had them draining while I made dinner.  We ate and I loaded the dishwasher including the jars that I would be using for the relish.

Green Tomato Relish

I still had time to enjoy Willy Wonka with the Angel Face while the relish finished draining, putting it on pause to put it into a pot with cider, sugar, and spices so it could cook and thicken while I finished the movie. 

When the movie was over, I jarred the relish and processed it in a boiling water bath while we completed our nighttime routine.  We were still in bed by 9:30.  

Green Tomato Relish

In the morning, I checked to make sure all the jars had sealed properly, labeled them, took a photo, and sent it to the neighbors inviting them to join us for dinner tonight.  We may be enjoying this relish as you are reading this post.

Green Tomato Relish

I still have plenty of tomatoes left and need ideas as to what I can make with them.  Enter my fellow bloggers who are also joining this event.  Let's see what they are sharing......

Yield: 9-10 pints
Author: Wendy Klik
Green Tomato Relish

Green Tomato Relish

Wondering what to do with all of those green tomatoes. Combine them with peppers and onions and enjoy this wonderful relish all year long. A jar of this relish makes amazing back-to-school gift for the teachers in your life.
Prep time: 20 MinCook time: 1 HourInactive time: 4 HourTotal time: 5 H & 20 M


  • 7 lbs. green tomatoes, any assortment
  • 4 yellow onions
  • 2 red onions
  • 3 green peppers
  • 2 red peppers
  • 4 t. canning salt
  • 5 c. apple cider vinegar
  • 3-4 c. sugar
  • 2 T. celery seed
  • 1/2 T. mustard powder


  1. Stem and quarter the tomatoes. Place some of the tomatoes into a food processor and pulse until finely chopped. Remove to a very large bowl and continue processing until all tomatoes are used.
  2. In the same processor, add the onions that have been peeled and cut into chunks. Pulse until finely chopped. Add to the tomatoes in the bowl.
  3. Stem, seed, and core the peppers. Pulse them in the same food processor, until finely chopped. Remove to the bowl with the onions and tomatoes.
  4. Sprinkle with the salt and mix to coat. Remove this mixture to colanders placed over large bowls, and allow to drain for 3-4 hrs.
  5. Drain the vegetable mixture and place it into a large pot discarding the liquid. Stir in the vinegar, sugar, celery seed, and mustard powder. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer, uncovered for about 30-40 minutes, stirring frequently, until thickened and most of the liquid is evaporated.
  6. Meanwhile, prepare the jars for canning by running them through the dishwasher or simmering them in hot water. Place the lids in a small pot of water and bring to a boil to sterilize them. Prepare your water bath canner.
  7. Ladle the hot relish into the hot jars, leaving about 1/2" headroom. Remove any air bubbles and place lids on top. Add the rings until finger tight and place into the water bath canner. Process the relish in boiling water for 15 minutes. Remove to a counter to cool and seal, refrigerate any jars that do not seal and use within a few weeks. Sealed jars will be good for a year without refrigeration. Refrigerate upon opening.


Adapted from a recipe found at A Family Feast


  1. I never learned to can and I think it is a wonderful skill. I was always afraid that I would not do it correctly and the food would not be good. Anyway- your recipe looks delicious and a great way to use green tomatoes.

    1. My comment came out anonymously- don't know why but I'm the one above that wrote about not learning to can.

    2. Judee, water bath canning is pretty goof proof. You just need to make sure that the lids pop and seal and you are good to go. If they don't seal you can still use the product but must keep it refrigerated and the shelf life will not be as long.

  2. You have some great neighbors...and you might want to remember to be careful what you wish for...15 lbs of tomatoes is a lot!!! At least it wasn't zucchini, right? P.S. I am so tired of zucchini!!! Can't wait to give this relish a try!

    1. 15 lbs was a lot but last night I made some green tomato jam and now the green tomatoes are all gone.

  3. It is so difficult with the garden at times. I have slug and bird problem and they eat it all. I love this relish, such a delicious recipe.

    1. It was enjoyed by all last night and I had plenty to pass out for them to take home.

  4. Jealous of your abundance of green tomatoes! There is no way here and I love them.

    1. I was lucky that the weather cooled off a bit so that the canning wasn't horrendous.

  5. A delicious relish that you can enjoy throughout the year!

  6. Have you ever added in a few tomatillas to your green tomatoes for this relish? I have 7 small o es and about 6.5 lbs of green tomatoes.

    1. I haven't but I certainly think it would work out wonderfully. Please let me know.


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