
Friday, June 2, 2023

Enjoying the Food and Wine of Umbria and an abbreviated Weekly Menu #ItalianFWT

The Italian Food Wine and Travel Club are exploring Central Italy this month.  I decided to visit Umbria once again, mostly because I adore Orvieto.

Wine and Soup

Come with me as we discover the food and wines of this region.....
Katarina of Grapevine Adventures is hosting this month.  She asked us to virtually travel to Umbria and Lazio and to share our adventures, foods and wines with our readers.  You can learn more at Katarina's Let's Discover Central Italy post.  

You can also find our group's articles at the links below......

I first discovered Umbria when I read a fun novel that was set in this area of Italy called The Umbrian Thursday Night Supper Club.  This novel inspired me to make a Red Wine Spaghetti that I paired with a Tuscan red blend from Umbria.  

I have also enjoyed wines from Lazio which neighbors Umbria.  This red wine from Alberico Appia Antica was wonderful paired with a Stracci di Antrodoco.

However, Orvietto is the star of this area and I had to showcase it again because, in my humble opinion, it is a perfect summer wine.  I have enjoyed it as a dessert wine with this Blueberry Crostata.  Orvieto also pairs very well with Asian food as I found out with this Chicken Salad.


Today I am showcasing a Classico Superiore from Papabile.  I wasn't able to learn too much about this wine from the internet.  I can't remember where I purchased it or how it came to be in my wine refrigerator.

Here is what I can tell you...
  • It pours a light lemony color
  • It is crisp and clean
  • It has just a hint of sweetness
  • It is delicious
  • It paired very nicely with the Chickpea and Farro Soup that I served.
This Chickpea and Farro soup is traditional in Umbrian cuisine.  In the adage what grows together goes together, I often look to the foods popular in an area when looking for a food pairing with the wine.  This was a winning combination.  

I will be sharing the recipe for the soup at the end of the month when we showcase Chickpeas with the  Sunday Funday Bloggers.  Stay tuned.

I can't believe that it is already June.  It's going to be a very busy month around here so hold on to your hats and join us as we have tons of celebrations in the works.  I am sharing the menu for this upcoming weekend and Monday today as I leave for California on Tuesday.   

I am very excited about this trip to celebrate my great niece's graduation from high school.  I am anxious to spend time with my brother and his family.  I'm thrilled that I get to bring the Angel Face along with me and I am looking forward to seeing my friends, Cam of Culinary Cam and Lori of Dracaena Wines when we meet up in Lori's new tasting room in Paso Robles. 

We are starting on Sunday with a CPL class.  As always I will be providing breakfast and lunch for the students.  Some of the students this time around are non meat eaters so my menu reflects that.  

Kati Kati 
Deli Salads

Sunday-CPL Class
Roasted Rhubarb Muffins
Fruit Salad
Build your own Chef Salad Bar
Assorted Rolls and Breads
Pina Colada Cake
Dinner out

Meatless Monday
Cheesy Noodles


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