
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Planning a Birthday Party and the Weekly Menu

Little Miss M is turning 2 years old tomorrow and we are ready to celebrate.  Little Miss M is the daughter of our very first exchange student who is from Russia and her fiancee who is from Mauritius.  


Isn't she lovely...........

When I was planning the menu for her party, Mama asked me if I would feature food from Mauritius.  I love learning of other cultures through their foods so I was all on board for planning this meal.  I will be sharing those recipes with you in the near future......that is, if they all turn out as delicious as they sound!

Today is going to be spent getting ready for the celebration tomorrow so we are just having soup and bread for dinner.  After the party, life gets quiet here again for a bit.  Don't forget to vote on Tuesday, this is a very important election and make sure you Thank a Veteran on Friday.  They have fought and continue to fight for the freedoms we have and the ability to exercise those freedoms with our vote.

Vegetable Soup
Fall Harvest Bread

Sunday-Birthday Celebration
Vegetable Pizza by Karen
Cheese and Crackers
Salad by Rose
La Daube Poulet
Cari Poisson
Vegetable Samosas
Steamed Rice
Cake by Mama
Cookies by Karen

Meatless Monday
Mac and Cheese

Taco Tuesday
Chicken Fajitas


Pasta with Sausage and Eggplant

Friday Date Night
Out to dinner


  1. i love the menu for the week. Little Miss M is precious. Yes, we all have to get out and vote. I voted early !

    1. Good for you. We will be going on Tuesday and taking the Teen with us as she is now voting age.

  2. What a beautiful child!

    I Googled Mauritius and wow! What a beautiful island. I saw a restaurant named Marilyn Monroe. :-)

    I hope the recipes turn out good so you can share them! Enjoy the party!

    1. I hope so too Jinjer and I look forward to visiting Mauritius one day soon.


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