
Friday, February 25, 2022

A Mardi Gras Gathering and the Weekly Menu to start the Lenten Season

Mardi Gras celebrations start this weekend.  Mardi Gras, also called Fat Tuesday, is a NOLA tradition and one that I am happy to incorporate each year into our celebrations.  This year I am inviting family and friends to join in the fun with dinner followed by games.  

Mardi Gras Menu

This will be our last hurrah before Lent begins on Wednesday.  The Lenten season is a very busy time for me as I help run our Lenten Parish Fish Fry each Friday.  This is quite a bit of work requiring a partial day on Wednesday, full days on Thursday and Friday and another partial day on Saturday for clean up.

fish fry menu

The menu is always the same each year and is very popular.  Last year one of our local grocers donated some salmon so one week I was also able to offer salmon patties which were a huge hit.  The dessert varies each week depending on what I have available to use up and how much energy I have to bake.  

We have a great group of volunteers and most of my prep and cooking is completed on Wednesday and Thursday as we have other volunteers who take care of the fish, french fries and warming the vegetables, leaving me to just make sure that the buffet table is running smoothly and being refilled as needed.

The choir is also very busy preparing for our Easter Triduum services.  Easter is my favorite holiday of the year.  It reminds me that hope springs eternal and just how much our God loves and cares for us.

I'm excited about starting the Weekly Menu with a party.  Sunday, my Angel Face is going to be here and we will make dinner for her Mama and Daddy to enjoy when they pick her up.  Monday, I have a meeting at the church so I'm putting meatloaf in a crockpot and Frank will make mashed potatoes and buttered corn.  Tuesday we will be having tacos made with the leftover meatloaf.

Ash Wednesday is a day of abstinence and fasting for our family as we get ready to prepare the way of our Lord so we will be having a meatless meal.  Thursday we will go out for dinner after I am done prepping for the Fish Fry and Friday we will be eating during the Fish Fry.  

Mardi Gras Gathering-See Menu Above

Sunday Supper
Tossed Salad
Garlic Bread

Crockpot Meatloaf
Mashed Potatoes 

Taco Tuesday
Leftover Meatloaf Tacos

Guatamalan Tostadas

Out for Dinner

Fish Friday
See Menu Above


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