
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Cheers to a Happy Holiday with L'Ecole Wines

 I have spent the past year being an ambassador for L'Ecole wines.  Each month I was provided wine in order to taste, pair and share my thoughts with my readers.  I received no monetary compensation and all opinions were strictly my own.

Gift box from L'Ecole Wines

This month I was thrilled to receive a gift box containing 2 bottles of wine, two packages of chocolates and a nifty, heavy duty, corkscrew.
I was unable to attend chat this month as I had choir practice to get ready for our Christmas Concert, so I'm not sure if we all got the same packages or if the wines were different in each.  I got a bottle of Chenin Blanc and Syrah so I was a happy camper.

You can go to L'Ecole's gift page to see what they have to offer and to get some of your shopping out of the way.  If you live outside the Northwest portion of the Country you want to order by the 13th for Christmas delivery.  If you miss that time frame you will still be able to order using 2 day air by December 20th.

I assure you that any wine lover on your list will be very excited to receive any of these wonderful gifts.

Wine and dinner plate

I couldn't wait to open and try my bottles.  The first pairing was the Chenin Blanc with a Turkey Pot Pie made from Thanksgiving leftovers.  This citrusy, bright wine has a hint of fizz and paired perfectly with the richness of the pot pie.  

It is perfect for the person on your list that loves a crisp, white wine without any oak.  It is vibrant with hints of the tropics on the tongue.


My second bottle was the Columbia Valley Syrah.  I am a Syrah fan.  I love the spiciness and complexity found in this wine.  

wine with pasta

I paired this bottle with a simple casserole of baked cheese tortellini and then enjoyed the rest snuggled up by the fireplace with my husband listening to Christmas music and feeling grateful for all the blessings in my life, including this opportunity to work with L'Ecole.

Enough rambling by me.....I want to leave you time to link to the gift page and get your order in before it is too late.  See you soon.



I enjoy getting comments and feedback from my audience. Please let me know what you think, keeping in mind that we are all entitled to our own beliefs and opinions. I am happy to hear yours as long as they are stated nicely.