
Thursday, October 8, 2020

A Book Review, a Fun Recipe and The Weekly Menu #LitHappens

 Our Lit Happens selection this month is Four Seasons in Rome by Anthony Doerr.  It was chosen by my friend Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla and we will be discussing it via zoom later this month.

Four Seasons in Rome

Anthony Doerr was fortunate enough to win the Rome Prize for writers, which gave him a year long stipend and studio in Rome.  This opportunity came right on the heels of he and his wife welcoming twins into the world.  So they packed those babies up, left family, friends and support at home and hopped on a plane to Rome without either one of them speaking the language.

Anthony shares that year long experience in Rome with us in a memoir that he compartmentalizes into seasons.  You will laugh along with Anthony and his wife as they attempt to juggle being new parents to not only one but two babies in a foreign country where there is spotty electricity, no air conditioning, a tiny apartment with no oven but a gorgeous balcony with a view of Rome.  You'll laugh because it beats crying.  I can't imagine how difficult this had to be for them, luckily they were able to find a trustworthy and wonderful caregiver for their boys so that they were able to get an occasional break and save their sanity.

During their time there Pope John Paul passed away and Doerr got to witness and to share what that experience was like in Rome and the Vatican City.  

Of course, because it took place in Italy, there is tons of food reference but my favorite was this recipe written by a 12 yr old girl and submitted to a local newspaper.

  1. Spread the cut side of a hot dog bun with Nutella.
  2. Fill bun with peeled banana "dog".
  3. Enjoy
Doerr says "The third step is the most important one, the piacere, the "enjoy".

Banana Dog

So I "enjoyed" this recipe for lunch as I perused my calendar and worked on my weekly menu.  It made this task much more pleasant and I would reccommend you try it when you are stuck taking care of a menial but necessary task.

We have a quiet week this week.  We will be sticking around the house doing fall cleanup.  This may not sound exciting to you but we are excited that Frank is doing so well that we can do it ourselves and not hire in help.  It's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend so I'm putting a pork shoulder on to smoke on Saturday morning and having our last neighborhood social distance gathering on our deck in the evening.  

I have food pantry on Wednesday and then we are taking dinner to Aunt Irene and playing some cards. The dogs are going in for grooming this week.  Friday we are heading over to Amy's house to celebrate her birthday. Looking forward to spending time with everyone.

I'm sharing this recipe over at Foodies Read.  Stop by and see what the others are reading this month.

Saturday-Neighborhood Potluck
Smoked Pork Shoulder
Chocolate Pumpkin Bundt Cake

Sesame Chicken
Steamed Rice
Stir Fry Veggies

Meatless Monday
Tomatoe Bisque
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Taco Tuesday
Build your own Tacos

Corn Bread

Chicken Pot Pie

Friday-Pizza for Amy's Birthday
Birthday Apple Pie


  1. Your recipe surely appeals to almost everyone, but two things (in fact almost the only two) that I can’t stand are Nutella and bananas so it’s really not for me. I would rather eat a dry flavorless hot dog bun with nothing!

    be well... mae at

    1. Well then the recipe absolutely is not for you but the book may be. It was an enjoyable read.

  2. That reminds me that I need to get started on that book. This weekend!

  3. Managing two babies in a foreign country, no probably not for me. The banana hot dog sounds better:)


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