
Friday, August 14, 2020

Enjoying Summer Food with Chinon Wine and a Fun Book #Winophiles

 Life changes very quickly.  When I wrote the title for this post I was enjoying lying around the pool with my book, having my cabana boy aka Frank bring me cocktails.

Sandwich and wine

I finished a novel called Daisy Jones and the Six.  It inspired me to make this delicious Hickory Burger. I asked Frank to open a bottle of Marc Bredif Chinon 2018 that I had bought for this months Winophile event celebrating the wines of Loire Valley.
Jill of L'Occasion is hosting this event inviting us to Take a Loire Valley Summer Escape.  Let's see how the others celebrated......


This wine from Chinon in the Loire Valley was a little higher end then I would normally pour with a burger but this was no ordinary burger and the Marc Bredif is no ordinary wine.  It is a little spicy tamed down with berries.  It is smooth and refined with a very nice finish.  It paired very nicely with this burger but I was wishing I had lamb chops.

A Good Year (novel) - Wikipedia

I opened that wine at the end of July and have been waiting patiently to share it with you.  After I finished Daisy Jones I picked up A Good Year by Peter Mayle.  My friend Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla had sent me this selection along with several other books she thought I might enjoy. 

And enjoy it I did.  I always enjoy Mayle's books.  I love any author that can make me laugh out loud prompting Frank to ask me what is so funny.   Mayle takes us on an exciting adventure to several different festivals held in France each year.  We attend a festival for oysters, snails, frog legs and (almost) naked women.  There is plenty of food, wine and jocularity to keep you happy for a year or at least for the couple of days you spend reading this book.

Then, before I got a chance to write up and share this post life turned topsy turvy on me.  This started when Frank decided to take the Angel Face up in the Powered Parachute for a flight.  On take off, they hit a power line and went topsy turvy 100' to the ground.  Watching that happen was a horrific experience.  Julien made it to the chute in record time extracting our girl and handing her over to her mama before running back to assist Frank.  

This was Tuesday evening and I have been at the hospital since.  The Angel Face was released Tuesday night with not even a bruise to show for it.  Grampy wasn't quite so lucky but very lucky none the less.  As I am writing this post he had surgery to fuse 2 separate areas in his spine.  There are several more fractures that will heal without surgery.  The Doc just came out to tell me that all went well and that they will have him up and walking this evening.  God is good........

I can't wait to get him home so we can open a bottle of wine and toast our good fortune.  I will not be able to join in twitter chat tomorrow as we discuss these wines but I will be there in spirit.  You could attend in my place just head over at 11 AM ET and follow #Winophiles.

I am also linking up with Foodies Read so that others can learn of and enjoy this book.  


  1. God bless and so pleased to hear Frank is ok and the little one was unharmed. Blessings to you.

  2. Oh this made me cry. What a moment of terror. I'm so glad Angel Face is fine and that Frank's surgery went well.

  3. Good luck with his speedy recovery. That does sound horrifying to watch, and my thoughts are with you.

    be well... mae at

  4. Terrifying! Hope your cabana boy aka Frank will be back with you poolside soon.

    1. He is coming home today but I think I will have to be Cabana girl for a while as he lies around.

  5. It is so amazing that he is up and able to walk and is now coming home! I am so happy he is recovering so well. What a horribly scary experience. We are keeping Frank in our thoughts here!

    1. Thank you so much all of the good thoughts and prayers have been working.

  6. I held my breathe as I read what happened. Sending FULL recovery vibes to Frank. After all, it's more fun to share a bottle of Loire wine and tasty food with the one you love!

    1. It certainly is. I would much rather drink in celebration than to drown my sorrows.

  7. What a scary experience! I'm glad your grandchild is Ok and I'm wishing Frank a full recovery. Hang in there Wendy!

    1. Thanks so much Martin. His recovery is going exceptionally well.

  8. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry for this extremely scary experience, but hope he is on his way to speedy recovery.


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