
Saturday, June 13, 2020

Happenings on the Farm and our Weekly Menu

The State is mostly opened up now at limited capacity.  Hair salons and barbers open this week.  Gyms, Casinos and movie theaters are still closed but outdoor Drive in Theaters are open.  The Teen and 3 of her friends are driving over an hour away to go to the Drive In tonight.  None of them have ever been to a Drive In and that is the nearest one.

Hey, Michigan Capitol protesters: Next time stay in your cars

I'm not sure how our Governer came to be so well hated for trying to keep us safe.  I would much rather err on the side of caution where a strong possibility of death is concerned but evidently I am part of the silent majority because the loud minority have been screaming very loudly.

I have hired my friend Tamie to redo all of our landscaping around the house.  It is back breaking work and Frank and I just cannot handle it on our own.  Tamie is one of the hardest working people I know and in one day made amazing progress.  Can't wait to share photos.  Tamie got laid off during the Pandemic so this is a win/win situation.  Except for Mama and Daddy Finch who are very nervous about having a human out there working near their babies.

Cranbrook Academy of Art - This is the space from Woodward Original on Vimeo.

Tomorrow Jessica's guy, Julien, is shooting a commercial using our home as a backdrop and featuring our Little Angel Face.  That is going to be exciting.  I have downloaded one of their commercials for you to see. Afterwards the Angel Face is going to hang out here for a couple of days.  I'm hoping the weather warms up so she can use the pool.

Other than that the week is more of the distancing while life slowly returns to normal.  Thus far the numbers have been good here in Michigan.  I pray daily that it remains the case but my son, Chuck, was quick to call me to let me know that this is not near over and that we need to remain very cautious.

I am still limiting trips to the grocers to once a week which makes meal planning all that more important.  Here is our menu. What's on your menu this week?

Grilled Chicken Breasts with Blackberry Glaze
Pasta Salad
Tomato/Cucumber Salad

BBQ Beef Roast
Potato Planks
Assorted Grilled Veggies

Meatless Monday
Spinach and Cheese Ravioli

Taco Tuesday
Chicken Fajitas on the Grill

Brats and Cabbage Salad (moved from last week)

BBQ Pork Chops
Baked Beans
Sourdough Corn Muffins

Fish Friday
Out for dinner?

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