
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Empanada Nachos #FestiveFoodies

When making my weekly menu, I usually include planned leftovers.  My family isn't big on just reheating leftovers in the micorawave for a second go round so by planning leftover meals I cut way down on food waste.  These Empanada Nachos are an example of this.

Empanada Nachos

Crisp tortilla chips covered in empanada filling, smothered in cheese and topped with fresh jalapeno slices make a perfect starter for dinner, light lunch or snack while watching television.

Today is National Stop Food Waste Day so Samantha of Frugal n Fit invited us to join her in sharing with others the how we use up our leftovers.  

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Samantha even shared this neat little graphic with the members of Festive Foodies to use in our blog posts.

Let's see how others are re-purposing their leftovers......

National Stop Food Waste Day

National Stop Food Waste Day

  • 4 ways to use leftover mashed potatoes by Frugal & Fit
  • Empanada Nachos by A Day in the Life on the Farm
  • Broccoli and Ham Quiche by Blogghetti
  • Antipasto Smothered Chicken by Hezzi-D's Books and Cooks
  • How To Make Vegetable Broth with Scraps by The Spiffy Cookie
  • Buttermilk Bread by Making Miracles
  • Chicken Meatball Pasta Soup by Cindy's Recipes and Writings

  • Every week, when I make my menu, I plan on using leftovers for another meal.  For instance, a roast chicken is dinner one night, a couple nights later you will find leftover chicken in a casserole, and the carcass in a pot with vegetable scraps becomes chicken stock to use in recipes instead of having to purchase premade broth.

    easy empanadas

    One of the meals that my family loves are these Easy Empanadas.  The recipe I shared makes enough for 2 large Empanadas equaling 6 servings.  When I am making them for just the three of us I often use only one pie crust and save the rest of the meat to be used in the nachos that I'm sharing today.

    Empanada Meat

    The recipe I'm sharing has the ingredients for a full recipe of filling so if you aren't making the Easy Empanada then you can double up the other ingredients and make a large platter of nachos.

    Either way they will get gobbled up and you won't have to worry about wasting a bite!!  Stay Home/Stay Safe/ Stay Well.

    #leftovers, #nachos, #cheese,
    Appetizers, Snacks
    Mexican Fusion
    Yield: 3 servings

    Empanada Nachos

    Empanada Nachos

    Crisp tortilla chips covered in empanada filling, smothered in cheese and topped with fresh jalapeno slices make a perfect starter for dinner, light lunch or snack while watching television
    Prep time: 5 MCook time: 15 MTotal time: 20 M


    • 1/2 portion Easy Empanada Filling
    • Tortilla Chips of Choice
    • 1-2 c. shredded Mexican Blend Cheese
    • 1 jalapeno, sliced


    1. Fill a pie plate or baking pan with tortilla chips.  Cover with the Easy Empanada Filling, sprinkle with the cheese and place into a preheated 375* oven until heated through and the cheese is melted.  Remove from oven, top with jalapeno slices and serve with salsa, sour cream or guacamole, if desired.
    Fat (grams)
    Sat. Fat (grams)
    Carbs (grams)
    Fiber (grams)
    Net carbs
    Sugar (grams)
    Protein (grams)
    Sodium (milligrams)
    Cholesterol (grams)
    Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. Love this! We usually have extras left from taco night and then have nachos throughout the week for lunch or snacks. Perfect way to use up leftovers.

  2. I love ideas like this for turning bits of leftover proteins into something new! Such a great way to stretch your meats too!

  3. I do the same thing! I made chili last week for dinner then we had chili nachos the next day. I love this idea!

  4. A great appetizer too. A keeper for Cinco de Mayo!


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