
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Good Bye Halloween, Hello Thanksgiving and Holiday Prep along with the Weekly Menu

Good Bye Halloween, it was fun.  See you next year!!

Hello Thanksgiving, I've been looking forward to you all year long.

When Halloween is over and Thanksgiving is near I really start feeling like the Holidays are upon us.  I start my shopping lists and menu planning.  I pull out my calendar and start planning all of the Holiday get-togethers.   I start making up invitations to send and finish up the Christmas Cards that I make each year to get them in the mail.

These are the cards that I started at our Annual Scrapbook event last Saturday.  I was able to get about half of them done.  I will work on a few each day and hopefully have them in the mail at Thanksgiving time.

It is always such a fun event and I look forward to it every year.  People come and people go but our main core group, Me, Amy, Jen, Cathy and Kirsten are always there.  Lili and Marissa joined us again this year, I think they are part of our core now.  Marissa's Aunt Michelle also attended this year and I hope she joins us again next year.

I also mentioned to you that I had attended a sled painting party last week.  Marissa was unable to attend as she had her last driving session for driver's training that night so I brought her sled home for us to do.

It turned into a family affair with all of us contributing to it.  I think it turned out lovely and will be proud to display this on my front porch welcoming guests all season long.

So we were busy around here last week and the busy-ness will continue from now until January 6th when our Holiday Season ends with Epiphany.

This Saturday we are attending a birthday party for our sister in law's father.  Sunday we have a free day.  Monday we meet with our trainer at the gym.  Tuesday the Angel Face has her third piano lesson. She is loving it.

Wednesday, the Teen has a doc appointment.  Thursday I am meeting my sister for lunch.  In between, I will be finishing up cards, making menus and planning parties.  I will also be posting new blog articles, photos and recipes each day so please stop in and see me.

Speaking of menus, here is what we are eating this week.  What's going to be on your plate?

Joe's Birthday Dinner

Sheet Pan Chicken Dinner

Meatless Monday
Cheese Ravioli with Marinara Sauce
Garlic Bread Muffins

Taco Tuesday
Taco Muffins

Chicken Spinach Pie (using leftover Chicken from Sunday)

Creamy Pepper Soup
Pear and Cheese Crescent Rolls

Fish Friday
Provencal Seafood Bisque

1 comment:

  1. I love your sled. You'll have to post a pic when you get it on your porch all dressed up. Winter is supposed to arrive in force by Monday (freezing cold) so that should get us all in the mood. My porch is still in mourning- I put out huge ferns every year and they just went kaput with the frost. There are some noisy birds out there unhappy about that.


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