
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Margherita Pizza in honor of Eleanor Oliphant

Simple but flavorful, this pizza is sure to be a hit with your family and friends.

I was inspired to make this pizza after reading Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine........

Image result for eleanor oliphant

This is a story of PTSD and how Eleanor Oliphant has learned to handle it. A lifelong resident of the Foster Care system, Eleanor is now 30 years old and on her own with occasional visits from State workers. Eleanor has a job and an apartment. She goes to work every day and is very dedicated.

What Eleanor doesn't have is a life.....she breathes, she moves, she survives but she has no life. No friends, no adventures, no stepping outside of the box she has created for herself. She does have vodka, however, on the weekends along with carry out Margherita Pizza every Friday night.

When you first start reading this book you realize that Eleanor Oliphant is NOT completely fine but by the time you finish the book you realize that Eleanor Oliphant is going to be completely fine.

And you'll be completely fine too when you sit down to this comforting, delicious pizza. I will be sharing this post over at Foodies Read. Stop by and see what the others are cooking up from the books they've read.

pizza, vegetarian, #meatless, #MeatlessMonday, quick, easy
Pizza, Breads, Meatless, Vegetarian
Italian Fusion.
Yield: 4 personal size or 2 full size pizzas

Margherita Pizza

Simple but flavorful, this pizza is sure to be a hit with your family and friends.


  • Easy Weeknight Pizza Dough or your favorite recipe or store bought dough
  • 1 (15 oz) can petite diced tomatoes
  • 1 T. tomato paste
  • 1 t. oregano
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 8 oz. fresh Mozzarella cheese, sliced
  • 1/2 c. shredded Parmesan cheese
  • 1 bunch basil leaves, cut chiffonade style


  1. Cut your dough into 2 or 4 pieces.  Roll each piece into a round.
  2. Heat a pizza stone in a hot (450*) oven.
  3. Mix together the tomatoes, tomato paste, basil, salt and pepper.  Divide this mixture between the pizza dough rounds placing into the center and spreading leaving an inch for the crust.
  4. Divide the mozzarella between the rounds, covering the tomatoes.  Sprinkle with the parmesan cheese.  
  5. Place onto the hot stone and bake until golden brown and cheese is melted, about 10-15 minutes.  Remove from the oven and sprinkle immediately with the basil leaves.
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. I recently read this book as well, and enjoyed it for an outstanding inside look at PTSD, or whatever various forms of developmental stress disorders people go through. And pizza in any form is always a treat! Probably not straight vodka though. Maybe with some tonic:)

    1. Except for Coconut Cioroc Vodka. I like that just on the rocks. YUM.

  2. Your pizza looks delicious. I really enjoyed this book as well.

  3. I would be totally fine with pizza and this one looks delicious. I haven't made margherita pizza in a while. Thanks. I may have to add this to my list in 2020. (My 2019 list is growing exponentially!)

    1. It's a quick easy read if you can find a way to squeeze it in Debra.

  4. I finished this one the other week and even though it's not really the happiest of books, I enjoyed it. I found it quirky and sweet the way the character development happened.
    And you're totally right, Margherita Pizza is the perfect pairing for this book!

  5. Well, I loved the book. I found it entertaining and enlightening. I found a very current message in that it is fine as a community to be talking about mental health; but you need to match it with compassion for those who may be experiencing ill health. I chose it for our Book Club and we are discussing it tomorrow. Now I have the perfect recipe to serve. Thank you!

    1. I loved the book too. I'm glad you chose it for your book club. I'm sure it will be a great discussion tomorrow.


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