
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Mini Mummy Meatloaf #Halloween #KitchenMatrixCookingProject

Thrill your little Ghosts and Goblins this Halloween by serving up these fun and tasty Meat Loaf Mummies.

Join the Festive Foodie Group today as we celebrate Halloween.......
Our friend, Ellen, of Family Around the Table, invited us to join her today in posting some fun recipes with a Halloween theme.

Since it is Tuesday, and my Kitchen Matrix Cooking Project theme was Meatballs this week.  I decided to make mini meatloaves and mummify them.  After all, meatloaf is just a huge meatball in a different shape.

I formed the beef/pork mixture into individual loaves or oblong meatballs and put them in the oven to bake.  I just need to put a plug in here for my friends, the Ruemenapp's.  I get all my meat from Dave and Vicki.  These are a 50/50 mixture of beef and pork.  Do you see all of that grease and fat on the baking sheet?  Nope?  Me neither.  That is why I get all my meat from Ruemenapp Farms.

I used my favorite, go to meatloaf/meatball recipe but you can make this to suit your taste.  If you want to try something different you can check out the recipes in Bittman's Kitchen Matrix.  He had some great flavor profiles from which to get your inspiration. Let's take a look at what Cam and Karen were inspired to cook up.

Whatever recipe you decide to use just shape them up and put them in the oven.  While they are baking you will make some wonderfully, creamy, smooth and silky mashed potatoes that can be piped onto the potatoes to make them look like little mummies.

Which I did.  And I could have left it right there except my sous chef wanted to help and her little hands aren't strong enough to pipe the potatoes.  So while the potatoes were boiling and the meatloaf was baking, I also cooked up some fettuccine noodles.

While I wrapped up Marissa's mummy, the Angel Face wrapped the noodles on hers.  A couple of capers for the eyes and dinner was ready to be put on the table.

To be honest, I didn't wrap up mine or Frank's meatloaf. While Little Miss and I were busy wrapping, Marissa was setting the table and Frank was pouring us each a glass of Merlot that I had gotten as a sponsor gift from Duckhorn Vineyards.  October is #Merlotme month and I will be sharing my thoughts on this and many more Merlot pairings with my #WinePW group on Saturday, October 13th. Stay tuned for that.

Let's see what other fun, clever, and spooky recipes the others are sharing today for Halloween.

#Halloween, #holiday, #familyfun, #familydinner, #beef, #pork, #meatballs, #meatloaf, #mashedpotatoes, #mummies, #funwithfood
Yield: 6-8 servingsPin it

Mini Mummy Meatloaves

Thrill your little Ghosts and Goblins this Halloween by serving up these fun and tasty Meat Loaf Mummies.


1 lb. ground beef
1 lb. ground pork
1 small onion
2 slices whole wheat bread 
1 egg
salt and pepper, to taste
4-5 russet potatoes, peeled and cubed
1/2 c. sour cream
2 T. butter
1/2 c. milk
16 fettuccine noodles, cooked per package directions, if desired
16 small capers
1 T. ketchup


Place the ground meat into a large bowl.  Using a food processor, pulse the onion to small dice.  Add to the ground meat.  In the same bowl of the food processor,  place the bread, tearing into chunks. Pulse until fine crumbs are left.  Add to the ground meat along with the egg, salt and pepper.  With clean hands, combine all ingredients until well mixed.

Divide the mixture into 8 even loaves, 1/4 lb. each.  Place onto a baking rack that has been placed upon a baking sheet.  Bake in a preheated 350* oven for about 40 minutes, until cooked through.

Place potatoes in a pot and cover with cold water.  Add a generous pinch of salt and bring to a boil over high heat.  Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until the potatoes are easily pierced with a fork.  Drain and place into the large bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with the whisk attachment.  Run on low speed to break up the potatoes.  Add the sour cream, butter and milk.  Run on low speed until combined.  Increase speed to medium and whisk until smooth adding more milk if necessary to get the potatoes silky enough to be piped like frosting.

Remove meatloaves to a plate or platter.  Place the potatoes into a pastry bag and pipe onto the meatloaves in a criss cross fashion leaving space for the eyes.  At this point, if desired, you can also wrap 2 fettuccine noodles around each meatloaf.  Add a little ketchup where you have the opening for the eyes and adhere 2 capers to each meatloaf.
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. So cute! I always love when your posts include Angel Face. She looks so proud of her mummy meatloaf. And it looks tasty, too.

  2. Those look like a lot of fun. Sounds like the girls loved these!

  3. So much fun for the kids! Halloween dinner belongs to them on their turf.

  4. I did a double take, I thought the mummy looked like a kitty too! lol So cute for dinner!

    1. Too funny. I guess I could you squid ink and make black cats LOL

  5. Always looking for non-dessert Halloween ideas, and we are going to love these!


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