
Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Busy Weekend and The Weekly Menu

All of our out of town guests left on Friday morning.  This doesn't mean that life has slowed down at all though...we are busy as ever.

I think these cousins are going to miss each other now that they are on opposite sides of the Country.  Thank goodness for internet and social media.  But, life goes on so here is our upcoming week and what we will be eating and sharing with you.....
I think that I am now able to formally introduce you to our new daughter, Marissa.  She is seated on the left side of the zipline chair and my great niece, Quinn, on the right.  They had a great time together.

There are rules about foster children and social media but that seems to pertain to temporary placements and since ours is a permanent placement, I think we are safe in including her as part of our family.

Last week I told you of the plan to have Marissa be responsible for one meal a week.  Quinn wanted in on the action too so they each took a day last week.

They did a great job and it was well received.  Marissa has chosen a meatless entree this week which will be featured on Meatless Monday.

Yesterday, we attended a party at Marissa's Aunt's house. They live across the street from us and have adopted Marissa's brother.  This is a perfect situation.  I took a salad and a pie to pass.

This afternoon we are attending our Parish Potluck Picnic, followed by dinner at Frank's sister's house.  Frank's cousin, Kay, is visiting from California and Roz is hosting a get together for all of us.  I am taking a Bundt Cake.

Tuesday we are visiting our friends, Rob and Linda, who live right on Lake Huron.  I am bringing lunch and we will have dinner out.

Wednesday we are back to our weekly visit with Aunt Irene.  I'm going to surprise her with a Lasagna dinner.  She loves lasagna.

Thursday and Friday are pretty clear right now....we'll see how long that lasts.

So here is the Weekly Menu. Please stop by each day for recipes and photos.  I am joining with several other groups this week. You will find the recipe for those brownies that Marissa made as well as some muffins, a caramel apple bundt cake,  and some mini seafood quiches that are perfect for a picnic potluck.  We are also celebrating Julia Child this week so look forward to a lot of great, classic recipes from her.

Saturday-Party at neighbors
Mini Seafood Quiches
Tyler Pie

Pasta Salad with Zucchini and Chickpeas (Church)
Caramel Apple Bundt Cake (Roz and Ron's)

Meatless Monday by Marissa
Veggie Burgers
Peach Blueberry Fried Pies

Spanish Almond Soup
Muffuletta Sandwiches

Caesar Salad
Garlic Bread

Pork Schnitzel with Apple Pan Sauce
Sweet Potatoes

Fish Friday
Fresh Fish Tacos


  1. You guys have such a full and fun life! It sounds like this week is going to be great and congratulations again to all of you on your expanding family! <3

  2. Kids look like they were having a great time! And you have some pretty tasty things going on your menu. Save me a plate! :D

  3. How wonderful that her brother is across the street! What a cutie!

  4. Congrats on your new daughter! It's so great that her brother can still be close by too! I bet he's a cutie too,just like her! Have a great week!


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