
Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Remodel is Complete and the Weekly Menu

Wooohooooo Guys.  It is done!  And it is gorgeous, if I do say so myself.

I need to stop right here and give a big shout out of gratitude to my husband who worked non stop for weeks to make this room everything I had hoped for and more.

It is hard to get a complete photo of the entire room so I am sharing it in sections.  The only thing left to do now is window treatments

The view looking in from the kitchen.

 I'm very excited to have all this extra storage area.

Looking from the sitting area back into the kitchen.

So now the room is complete and we can relax and breathe a bit before the next major event.  Let's look at what's happening this week and what's on the menu.....

We have invited the neighbors over to relax in the pool this afternoon and join us for lunch.  The weather is not very nice this morning and it doesn't look like it's getting nicer any time soon today so the pool part of this date may be canceled.

This evening we have a surprise birthday party to attend.

Jessica is starting a new semester at school.  This is her final class for her degree in marketing. Her class is on Tuesday's this semester so that will be our night for keeping the Angel Face.  We will be changing our night to visit with Aunt Irene to Thursday for the summer.

Wednesday is going to be an exciting day for me.  Each year I try to do or learn something new.  This year I am going sky diving with my friend Chris.  Our appointment is for 4 pm.  We will all be going out for dinner afterwards.

Friday is a free day right now.....We'll see how long that lasts LOL

What's going on with you this week?

Weekly Menu

Birthday Party

Farewell Reception

Italian Sausage Sandwiches

Toddler Tuesday
Pretzel Crusted Chicken
Carrot and Celery Sticks
French Fries

Out for Dinner after Skydiving

Carry out at Aunt Irene's

Fish Friday
Mixed Greens with Grilled Tuna Steaks


  1. I love all the natural light. Good luck on the skydive- my FIL was an avid jumper and his visits to the airfield led to Bill being a pilot, then to his becoming an aero engineer, which led his path to mine. I was going to do a jump years ago but never got around to it. Have fun! :D

  2. You're a braver woman than I! Your room looks wonderful. How nice to have a handy husband!

  3. Awesome! AND you've got your garage back! :)

    1. We spent all morning yesterday in the garage. Wait until you see it!!

  4. YIKES! Skydiving?? I can barely get onto an airplane. Good luck. I am saying a prayer right now for your safe landing. Your room is beautiful. I have never thought of tiling an entire room (other than bath or kitchen). It is gorgeous. It that a bar in the room on the way to the kitchen?

    1. Yep, it sure is. The bar was always in this room but Frank refinished it and it is beautiful.

  5. Your room looks really nice! I bet your glad to be done with that. Skydiving no thanks I like my feet on the ground! Lol. Good luck and have fun!

    1. Thanks J, I am certainly glad to be done with this project now we can start working on the yard LOL.

  6. That is truly a beautifully done remodel. Congratulations to you and your hubby!


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