
Friday, April 20, 2018

Chimichurri Fish Tacos #FishFridayFoodies

We are sharing Latin American Fish/Seafood recipes today under the direction of  my friend, Karen of Karen's Kitchen Stories.  This is Fish Friday Foodies.

A couple of years ago, I asked some of my blogging friends to join me on my quest to add more fish and seafood to my diet.  I started this group and asked them to join me blogging a recipe on the 3rd Friday of each month.  The response was immediate and overwhelming.  Not only did they join but they volunteered to choose themes and host each month as well.  One of them even created the great graphic that you see above.

It is a wonderful group and every month I pat myself on the back for thinking of it and for offering it out to my blogging community.  They are some of the nicest and supportive people I have had the pleasure of meeting.

Of course, most of them I only know virtually, but a couple of them I have actually had the opportunity to meet in person and they have been everything I knew they would be.  We love having new members. If you are a blogger and would like to join us, just leave a comment below with your blog url and I will be happy to add you to the mix.

Chimichurri sauce is a raw sauce that originates from Argentina.  It is wonderful on grilled chicken and even steaks.  It is also amazing on fish as I discovered when I made these Seafood Skewers with Chimichurri a couple of years ago.  When I saw this month's theme I knew I wanted to revisit this sauce again.

I decided to go with Fish Tacos because Tacos=Latin America in my mind.  Most Chimichurri includes citrus juice and/or vinegar.  I did not add it this time because I wanted to marinate my fish in the sauce and I didn't want it to start cooking from the acid in the juice or vinegar.

Chimichurri normally uses Flat Leaf Parsley.  For today's version I used regular, curly parsley and added some cilantro.  You can use any white fish that you prefer. I had some Mahi Mahi in the freezer so I pulled that out.  I covered it with the Chimichurri while it was still frozen and allowed it to thaw in the marinade.

Once thawed it cooked quickly on a hot grill pan for about 5 minutes per side.

While the fish grilled, I warmed up corn tortillas in a dry cast iron skillet until they browned lightly and were warmed through.  Wrap them in a linen towel as they come out of the skillet to keep them warm.

I made a tartar sauce using Avocado Mayo, Lime Juice and Diced Jalapenos.

I tossed the tartar sauce with some shredded cabbage.

When the fish was done cooking, I broke it into chunks and placed it on the warmed tortillas.  Spooned some of the Chimichurri marinade onto each one and then garnished them with the slaw and avocado slices.

Once I started cooking, the entire meal was ready in less than 20 minutes.  They were so delicious!!! 

We had been out running errands during the day and almost went out for Mexican instead of heading home to prepare dinner.  I remembered that I wanted to make these tacos and suggested we go home instead.  I am so happy I did. 

These tacos were amazing, much better than we would have gotten at a restaurant.  Frank made us up some of his Fantastic Margaritas and we had an amazing meal that would have cost us $50 had the two of us eaten out.

You will find the links for other Latin American Fish/Seafood Recipes at the bottom of this link just in time to help you plan your Cinco de Mayo Fiesta!!

Chimichurri Fish Tacos

12 oz. Mahi Mahi (or other white fish) fillets
1 small bunch parsley
1/2 bunch cilantro 
3 cloves garlic
1/4 t. cumin
dash of crushed red pepper
1/4 c. olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
6 corn tortillas
1 c. shredded cabbage
1/3 c. avocado mayo
1 T. diced, pickled jalapenos
1 t. juice from pickled jalapenos
1 t. lime juice
avocado slices, if desired

Place the parsley, cilantro, garlic, cumin and crushed red pepper in the bowl of a food processor and pulse a couple of times.  Add the olive oil and puree to desired consistency.  Taste and season with salt and pepper as needed.

Place the fish into a shallow dish and cover with the Chimichurri.  Place in the refrigerator for up to 8 hrs., until ready to cook.

Spray a grill pan with cooking spray and heat over high heat.  When the pan is hot, remove the fillets from the Chimichurri allowing some to remain on the fillets and reserving the remaining marinade.  Place the fish fillets onto the grill pan and cook for about 4-5 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the fillets.  The fish should flip easily, if it sticks to the pan, let it cook a few minutes longer.

Heat the corn tortillas by placing a dry cast iron skillet over high heat.  Add the tortillas, one at a time and cook for about 30 seconds per side, until light brown spots appear.  Wrap in a linen towel as they are done cooking to keep warm.

Combine the mayo, jalapenos, pickling juice and lime juice in a small container.  Pour over the shredded cabbage and toss to combine.  (This can be made ahead and refrigerated until ready to serve).

When the fish is cooked, break into chunks and divide between the tortillas.  Top with the reserved Chimichurri.  Divide the slaw between the tacos and garnish with avocado slices, if desired. Print Recipe

More Lovely Latin American Fish and Seafood


  1. I love the flavors, textures and color, Wendy! What a great idea to thaw your fish IN the sauce. Delicious!

  2. I do love the flavors of chimichurri, sounds good!

  3. I usually only think of chimichurri on meat. This is a GREAT idea! And, yes, do pat yourself on the back for thinking up this group and theme. It's one of my favorites.

    1. Thanks Cam. I couldn't have done it without all the help and support from my blogging family.

  4. This sounds so delicious Wendy, and I want to pat you on the back (and give you a big hug) for coming up with this group event. It's one I don't want to miss. Ever. I don't think I would have ever tried some of the recipes I've made if it wasn't for this group. xoxo.

  5. Send me one these tacos Wendy! They are amazing.

    1. I wish I could bring you one in person Sneha. Wouldn't it be fun to get to know each other over a meal?

  6. Thanks for sharing this mouthwatering recipe tutorial with us.


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