
Monday, August 28, 2017

Lemony Olive Oil Muffins #MuffinMonday

I made these lemony olive oil muffins one morning to enjoy while watching Moana with my Little Angel Face.  She is on a serious Moana kick and is going to have a Moana themed birthday party next month when she turns 3.  Yep, I blinked and now my Melody is a "big girl" who loves to help Grammy bake.  I couldn't have made these muffins without her.

When we made these muffins I was still detoxing from a week long cruise to Alaska where I spent, what felt like, 20 hrs a day eating and drinking.   We started each morning with mimosas and eggs benedict or smoked salmon platter, had coffee drinks during morning trivia, had a snack after morning trivia, cocktails with lunch, drinks by the pool after lunch, wine with dinner and after dinner cocktails while watching shows. 

I came home feeling bloated and fat!!!  The Monday I returned home, I started the Fast Metabolism Diet again for a 28 day detox that my body really needs.  

While these muffins are not FMD friendly, they are from Cooking Light, so they are healthier than your average muffin.  I had a bite to make sure they were good before giving them to Angel Face, Mama and Grampy.  They loved them and ate away while I sipped a beet and blueberry smoothie for breakfast.  I like that they only make 6 muffins, they were all gone in a day so I didn't have temptation staring me in the face.

These muffins are very lemony and light.  Perfect for a summer brunch or for a portable breakfast while watching a movie LOL.

Lemony Olive Oil Muffins
adapted from Cooking Light

1 c. flour
1/2 c. sugar
1 t. baking powder
pinch of salt
1/2 cup light sour cream
grated rind from 1 lemon, with 1 t. reserved for glaze
2 T. olive oil
2 T. rice milk or low fat milk of choice
2 t. lemon juice + 3 T. lemon juice for glaze
1 egg
1 egg white
1 c. powdered sugar

Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl.  Create a well in the center.  In a small bowl whisk together the sour cream, all but 1 teaspoon of the lemon rind, olive oil, milk, 2 teaspoons of  lemon juice, egg and egg white.  Dump into the well of the dry ingredients and mix just until combined.

Divide the batter between a 6 cup muffin tin that has been treated with baking spray.  Bake in a preheated 350* oven for 25 minutes or until a skewer inserted removes cleanly.

Cool completely on a wire rack.  While cooling, mix together the powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon rind and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.  When muffins are cool, drizzle with the glaze and allow to set before serving. Print Recipe

More Magnificent Muffins

#MuffinMonday is a group of muffin loving bakers who get together once a month to bake muffins. You can see all our of lovely muffins by following our Pinterest board.

Updated links for all of our past events and more information about Muffin Monday, can be found on our home page.


  1. I cannot believe that baby is getting ready to turn 3! How on earth did that happen? Muffins look good. I need to do a detox too! Fat and new name!

    1. I was getting worried because I was outgrowing my clothes and I really didn't want to go out and have to buy a new wardrobe. 2 weeks down and my clothes are comfy again.

  2. I hate that vacations do that to me too! You have better willpower than I do!

    1. It's either that or break down and move a size up and I certainly don't want that. Too expensive

  3. I love baking with olive oil and sour cream. Winner!
    My boys got into Moana for a little bit, but that phase has passed fairly quickly. What it did do though, is spur a love of ocean creatures for Treat.
    Happy birthday to Angel Face.

    1. Thanks Lauren. I'm sure this will pass for her as well....I just hope it lasts until her birthday LOL


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