
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Dream Biscuits and a Book Review of "My Grandmother asked me to tell you she's sorry" #FoodiesRead

Some of you may have read my review of A Man Called Ove.  It was a great book and it turned into a good movie.

So I was excited to order up this novel by the same author.  I again ordered it on and loved the narrator, Joan Walker.  Joan did an excellent job of bringing the characters to life and what characters they were.

This is a story of a young girl, Elsa, who loses her grandmother, her very best and only friend in the world.  Grandma was a hoot.  Some thought she was certifiably crazy, but others?  Others knew she was a true superhero and did not doubt Elsa nor the stories her grandmother shared of a different kingdom in the land of almost asleep, one little bit.  In fact, as Elsa will learn, many of the people who come from that kingdom live in her very own house.

I started listening to this on the plane en route to our cruise and finished listening to it on the balcony of our ship while viewing the majesty that is Alaska.  It made for a perfect morning.

Did I like it as much as A Man Called Ove?  I did, perhaps I might have enjoyed it a smidge more.

The story revolves around all the people who live in an apartment building as seen through the eyes of Elsa.  There is the crabby busy body, the drunk, the monster, the woman in the black skirt, Elsa with her mother and stepfather who are expecting a child, the grumpy old man, the mother and son with a disorder, and the nice couple who are always quick to offer cookies whenever they see Elsa.

These cookies were called "dreams" and Elsa shares them with "the worse".  What is "the worse"?  You will just have to read or listen to the novel to find out.

The "dreams" caught my attention.  It took me a bit to realize they were cookies.  At first I thought they were a candy.  Once I knew they were cookies, I wondered if there really were such a thing.

A google search answered that they are a Swedish Cookie translated from Drömkaker.  I found numerous recipes but finally settled on this one from Saveur.

I enlisted the help of my granddaughter.  I hope some day she has great memories of our time together to help her cope with life.

We baked them up and each had one to try.  They are a dream!!  They are crispy outside, airy inside and melt in your mouth.

The rest were packaged up and taken to our Church Picnic to be enjoyed by others. You really should make these Swedish Dreams that are traditionally served at Christmas.  They are easy to make but bake slowly so take a little more time than your average cookie. 

Not to fear though because while you are waiting for them to bake you can get back to reading this wonderful novel.

I am linking up over at Foodies Reads 2017.  I love finding out what others are reading and seeing what they are inspired to create.  Head on over and check it out.

Swedish Dream Cookies
adapted from Saveur

1 2/3 c. flour
1 t. baking soda
1 stick butter, softened
1 1/4 c. sugar
1 t. vanilla
1/3 c. canola oil

In large bowl of stand mixer, fitted with paddle attachment, cream butter, sugar and vanilla, on med speed, until light and fluffy, 1-2 minutes.  Add the oil and mix until smooth.  Add the dry ingredients and mix on low speed, just until combined.

Using a small cookie scoop, place 2" apart on a parchment or silicone lined baking sheet.  Place one tray at a time in a preheated 300* oven for 25-30 minutes, until cookies are just set and cracking on the top.  Transfer to a wire rack to cool.  Print Recipe


  1. Those cookies sound amazing. I will add this book to my list. I loved A Man Called Ove so much!!


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