
Saturday, August 12, 2017

I heard an Angel Whispering in my ear......#WinePW

Our Wine Pairing Weekend theme is Rosé and is being hosted by Lori of Dracaena Wines.  It is the height of the summer here in Michigan and Rosé, being so crisp and chilled is the perfect wine for sipping on the deck with friends on a hot sultry evening.

However, in Lori's invitation post, she remind us that Rosé is not just for summer sipping.  Lori points out that Rosé is perfect anytime of the year and pairs well with a variety of different foods. She asked us to help her out by pairing our Rosé with a food that you would not normally consider.

When you are reading this, I am just returning home from an Alaskan Cruise.  Prior to that, however, we had my brother, Larry, and his wife, Mary, who live in California for a month long visit.  Larry and Mary come each year and stay with us for the month of July.

While they are with us we do a lot of entertaining and spend a lot of time being entertained.  My niece, Stephanie, invited the whole family out to her house for a casual get together.  When we arrived, she poured me a glass of Rosé, telling me that she had recently discovered it and thought I would enjoy it.

I took a sip and it was bone dry....for me this is a big plus.  Then I noticed a difference from other Rosé's I have enjoyed.  There was the lingering of floral notes on my tongue.  I took another sip, closed my eyes and let the slightly acidic crispness envelope me.

When Lori sent out her invitation, I immediately knew which wine I wanted to share.....This amazing Whispering Angel from Provence, France.

Now I just needed to decide a food pairing worthy of this amazing wine.  Prior to Larry and Mary's arrival, our son from Denmark, Dian, and his family had come for a 3 week visit.  It was so wonderful spending time with him and getting to know his fiancee and my 10 month old, grandson, who I fondly refer to as Joyful Jordan.

One of the things we did, while they were visiting was to fly to Frankenmuth for the day.  In fact, while we were in flight, Dian proposed to Helena.  You can read all about that and see the video here.

When we landed our plane in Frankenmuth there was a couple enjoying lunch while he took a break from working on the plane he was building in one of the hangars.  While we were waiting for the shuttle to take us into town we struck up a conversation and they recommended a local restaurant, The Old Christmas Station, for lunch.

I have a rule when visiting anywhere.  I always listen to recommendations from the locals.  This was no exception and again it proved to be a very good rule to follow.  This restaurant was lovely.  It contained Old World European charm and offered food from all different regions of Europe.  I tried a dish called Casimer Rice that originates in Switzerland and is the Swiss interpretation of Kashmiri Rice from Northern India. Source: Dairy Free Switzerland

I can't begin to tell you how much I loved this much so that I knew I wanted to recreate it at home.  

Was it as good as the restaurant version I enjoyed?  You will have to wait until tomorrow when I share the recipe over at #SundaySupper to get the answer to that question.  What I will tell you today is how it paired with the Whispering Angel Rosé.

I thought that while it was not a perfect pairing it was still a very good pairing.  I actually found the pairing with the cheese platter at my niece's more enjoyable with this wine.  Not that the pairing with my dish was was just that I think this Casimer Rice cries out for a beer.

So, my advice to you is to go out and buy a bottle of this wine and enjoy it by itself or with  one of the recipes being shared below or whatever you are cooking up.  

Then go learn more about Casimer Rice and get my recipe tomorrow when I share it.  Cook it up, pop open a bottle of your favorite German beer and enjoy.

Rosé paired with......


  1. I think it is so funny that we chose the same wine. With all the rose' out there. I have heard so much about it, I just had to grab it!
    How awesome proposing on the plane and you were there to be part of it.

    1. Yes, it was very special to have been included in his plan.

  2. Sounds like your summer has been filled with wonderful surprises, Wendy. Can't wait to read about your rice dish, too. Thanks for sharing your story!

  3. I'm not wild about dry wines but you make this one sound delicious!!

    1. I thought it was delicious but it is definitely bone dry Paula, probably not going to be your cup of tea.

  4. Whispering Angel was on of the first French rosé I tried. Been a couple of years since I've had it, because I keep trying so many others, but it's a winner!

    1. I'm still new to Rosé Martin but I really enjoyed this wine.


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