
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas Menu 2016

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat....and so am I after all of those cookie recipes I have been sharing all month!  And you want to know something!  After baking hundreds, literally hundreds, of cookies this month....I have none to put out for Christmas day!!  True story!!

So, today Little Miss and I got it.....baking more cookies.  To be completely honest with you, we have been running so much that I am thrilled to be able to stay home today and putz around baking cookies with my Angel Face.  It has been a crazy busy week but yesterday was the Food Pantry Christmas Basket deliveries so now I can concentrate on our Christmas.

Tomorrow we will be finishing up last minute gift shopping in addition to the grocery shopping for Christmas Dinner.  I looked back to see what I served last year and was floored by all the memories that brought forth.  Last Christmas was a very tough one.  This one hasn't been much easier but both have had wonderful, joyful moments spent with family and friends and I am looking forward to the next few days.

Christmas Eve will be very different this year.  Frank is singing with the Ensemble at 4 pm Mass and then we are having a Christmas Carol sing at 11 pm before we sing for Midnight Mass.  In between Masses we will be going to Frank's brother's house which is about an hour travel time both ways. Our TC family will be arriving sometime during the evening after having an early celebration with my kid's Dad's side of the family at Amy's house.  Amy is leaving to have a later celebration with Doug's family and the TC family will be coming to stay at our house.  We won't see them too much on Christmas Eve but we will have Christmas morning with them before they go to celebrate with their Mom's side of the family.....Phew.....did you get all that?

Our dinner isn't until 4 pm.  I am keeping it much simpler this year than last because our family dinner will be held on January 2nd.  Amy, Doug, Tingting and Mel will be able to join us on Christmas Day.  Chuck will not be coming in this year as he was just here for Thanksgiving.  Nic, Pierre and Anthony will be spending Christmas Day with their Mom so we are all getting together after the craziness subsides for our family dinner.  I will be sharing that Menu with you after Christmas.

From our house to yours we wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year.  May your blessings be abundant and your sorrows few.

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