
Friday, December 2, 2016

Christmas Around the World. Rogaliki (Polish AlmondCrescents) #ChristmasCookies #IntnlCookies

Here we are celebrating the second day of 12 Days of Cookies, hosted by FamilyAround TheTable and CookingwithCarlee.  We are sharing delicious cookie recipes for 12 straight days in celebration of the holiday season. 

You can search #ChristmasCookies to see all the goodies these 12 days. Follow the 12 Days of Christmas Cookies Pinterest board for more cookie ideas. Please visit all the blogs sharing cookie recipes. Links will be found directly beneath my recipe.

Today I am also joining the International Cookie Exchange hosted by Sarah from Curious Cuisiniere, where a group of cookie-loving food bloggers is sharing recipes for cookies from around the globe. Get ready to break out your mixing bowl, because these recipes are sure to inspire you to fill your cookie jar with cultural treats!

You can follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #IntnlCookies, and you can find these great recipes and more cookies from around the world on the International Cookie Exchange Pinterest Board.

I decided to travel to Poland today via  This is a wonderful site for finding authentic international recipes.  This Rogaliki recipe was adapted from Barbara Rolek, Eastern European Food Expert.

It was a good thing that I snapped this photo before my family got a taste of these cookies.  They are G O N E.....gone!!! I am going to have to make another batch (or three) of these buttery almond flavored crescents before Christmas, for sure.  Luckily they are quick and easy.

I adapted the recipe by using almond flour from Bob's Red Mill instead of grinding my own.  I also added 1/2 t. of almond extract and reduced the vanilla from 1 t. to a 1/2 t. because we love almond flavors in this household.

adapted from Barbara Rolek, Eastern European Food Expert 

2 sticks butter, room temperature
1/2 c. sugar
1 egg yolk, room temperature
1/2 t. almond extract
1/2 t. vanilla extract
1/4 c. almond flour
1 2/3 c. flour
Powdered Sugar

Place the butter and sugar in the large bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Beat until light and fluffy.  Beat in the egg yolk, almond extract and vanilla.  Add the flours and mix at low speed until thoroughly combined.

Shape walnut size pieces of the dough into crescents and place on a baking sheet that has been covered with parchment paper.  Bake in a preheated 350* oven for 20 minutes or until slightly browned on the edges.  Remove from oven and roll in powdered sugar while still hot.  Place to cool on a wire rack.  When completely cooled, roll again in powdered sugar.  Store tightly covered.  Print Recipe

Let's take a look at the other recipes for Day 2

Here's the #IntnlCookies Tray...
listed in alphabetical order of the cookies' country of origin


  1. Oh wow these look great, practically identical to Vanillekipferl. How funny we are all cookied up at the same time lol.

  2. Yum! I love everything about these cookies! Thanks for joining us!

  3. I need a batch of these! Maybe closer to Christmas when the sugar coma has worn off from the dozen recipes I've baked so far. But then again, any time of year, right? :)

  4. are these the cookies you made for Thanksgiving?

  5. These look so good! My husband comes from a Polish family, so it would be fun to make them for their Christmas this year!

  6. Poles surely know how to make great cookies! I made Kolaczki for the blog some time ago and they were fantastic too!

    1. Love Kolaczki. That was my feature last year for International Cookie Day.

  7. Yum! Such a perfect addition to the holiday cookie platter. Almond crescents are a favorite of mine.


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