
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Creamed Corn and Zucchini with Jalapeno

Here in Michigan we are still in the midst of Corn Season.  Michigan corn, in my humble opinion, is the best corn in the world when it is in season and we eat in continuously from the end of July until it is no longer available.

We also take this opportunity to preserve it so we can enjoy it during the looooong wait for the next corn season.  We make corn chowder, we saute it with summer squash,  or with jalapenos, we use it in salads, and we grill it.

Today I would like to share with you another recipe using fresh corn on the cob. This makes enough for a crowd.  Feel free to halve the recipe.

Creamed Corn and Zucchini with Jalapeno

Kernels from 6 ears of corn
2 jalapenos, minced
1/4 c. butter
2 small zucchini, diced
2 t. garlic paste (I use Gourmet Garden)
1 c. half and half
2 oz. cream cheese
Salt and Pepper to taste

Melt butter in a large skillet.  Add corn, zucchini, jalapenos and garlic.  Cook and stir for 5 minutes or so, until tender.  Add the half and half and cook for a few minutes until the cream starts to thicken. Stir in the cream cheese until melted and fully incorporated.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Print Recipe

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  1. We are corn eaters here In Kansas too! I love to freeze the corn right on the cob and eat it all winter long!!

    1. Some guy was telling Frank that he freezes it right in the husks. Pulls it out, nukes it for a minute, still in the husk, and it is just like fresh. I'm gonna try it and see.

    2. That is exactly how I freeze it Wendy! Been doing it that way for quite a few years. It is so, so easy. I just cut off both ends. Pull off the old husk until I get to a nice fresh layer and pop into freezer bags. So much easier than how we used to blanch them first!

    3. That settles it then. We are definitely freezing corn this year.


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