
Friday, June 5, 2015

Lemonade with a Punch for #HotSummerEats 2015

It's Friday Peeps....Let's kick back and celebrate with the Hot Summer Eats Gang!!  

We've been hard at work all week bringing you a plethora of summertime food, fun, information and gifts.  Gifts? you ask, What gifts??  Well, just go back to my Welcome, Thank you and Introduction post and take a gander at all the great products that our sponsors are raffling off.  Then hurry back here and take a look at what we have to share with you today!

Since it is Friday I have decided to share a cocktail recipe with you.  One of our sponsors, Quirk Books, provided me with "Summer Cocktails" by Maria Del Mar Sacasa.  It is a wonderful book and I have been enjoying it immensely.

Image result for summer cocktails by Maria Del Mar Sacasa

I have been using this book in conjunction with another great sponsor gift from Casabella, a wonderful juicer/reamer that has been indispensable during this event.  The first day I got the juicer and cocktail book we decided to play and Frank made us Daquiris.  

Since then I have used the juicer frequently including when I made a Raspberry Filled Lemon Bundt Cake.  But for this event I used the juicer to make a wonderful lemonade recipe that I found in Summer Cocktails.

It was light an refreshing.
Frank and I enjoyed this cocktail out on our back deck as we grilled dinner.
We sipped our drinks, talked about our day and was wonderful.

Vodka Lemonade
very slightly adapted from Summer Cocktails by Maria Del Mar Sacasa

2 oz. Vodka
1/4 c. freshly squeezed lemon juice plus 1/2 t, finely grated lemon zest
1 T. Honey Syrup (made by combining equal parts honey and boiling water, stir until honey dissolves)
pinch of salt
Ice Cubes
1/4 c. club soda, chilled
Mint for garnish

Place all ingredients, except mint, into a cocktail shaker and shake for half a minute.  Strain into an ice filled glass, add club soda, stir slightly and garnish with a mint sprig.  Print Recipe


  1. Love it Wendy - I could go for a glass right now!

  2. Who wouldn't want a cocktail right now!!!!!

  3. Wendy that looks so REFRESHING!! Great pick to share today!

  4. Love that this uses the honey syrup. I wasn't lucky enough to get the cocktail book. Maybe I'll win one ! :)

  5. Oh my that sounds incredible. Honey syrup?! Genius.

    1. I was attracted to the recipe because of that honey syrup as well Lauren.

  6. Woo yea, I actually love adding flavored vodkas to my lemonade for extra fun.


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