
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Prosciutto, Salami and Mozzarella Stromboli for #BreadBakers

Our theme for this month's Bread Bakers, chosen by Jenni of Pastry Chef Online, is stuffed breads. Jenni described stuffed bread as anything with a filling.  It could be sweet or savory.  It could be a yeast bread or a quick bread although Jenni said she would prefer if they were yeasty.  It could be in the form of a loaf, a round, a roll, etc.  The possibilities were endless.

I decided to share with you today a stromboli.  Stromboli is defined as "a type of turnover filled with various cheeses, typically mozzarella, Italian meats such as salami, capicola and bresaolo or vegetables.The dough traditionally used is Italian bread dough."

For my stromboli I used prosciutto, hard salami and mozzarella cheese. I had never made a stromboli before but I have made pizzas and calzones and here is what I learned.  They are all the same, just the name and shape has changed, perhaps to protect the innocent.  Never mind, sometimes my mind gets away from me......

I used pizza dough for my stromboli using this recipe but you can use your own favorite recipe or store bought dough if you wish.

The nice thing about stromboli is you can put in any fillings that you want.  It can be meatless using only vegetables, I love it with spinach, onions and mushrooms.  You can change up the cheese to any cheese that melts well or you can used a mixture of cheeses, You can use leftover meat or whatever lunchmeats you have on hand. If you use the dough recipe I shared, that is ready in just one hour, it is the perfect meal for those days when you stand in front of the refrigerator wondering what you should make for dinner.

Roll your pizza dough into a rectangle.

Layer on the cheese.

And the meat.

Roll it up, brush it with olive oil , cover loosely with plastic wrap and let it rest.
When the oven is preheated to 400*, cut some vent holes and bake for 20-30 minutes.

I heated up some marinara sauce to serve with the stromboli.

This was a meat lovers dream come true!

Prosciutto, Salami and Mozzarella Stromboli

1 recipe pizza dough
fresh Mozzarella Cheese, slice or shredded
Prosciutto, thinly sliced
Hard Salami, thinly sliced

Place dough on a well floured surface and press into a rectangle shape with your fingers.  Using a rolling pin, roll from the middle to each corner, maintaining the rectangular shape until dough is 1/4 inch thick and the rectangle is approximately 11x15".

Layer the mozzarella cheese on the dough. leaving a 1" border.  Cover the cheese with the meats. Starting on the long side, tightly roll the dough around the filling.  Pinch the seam shut and then fold the ends over and pinch them shut as well.

Place the stromboli on a piece of parchment paper and brush with olive oil.  Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let set at room temperature for an hour.

A half an hour before you are going to bake the stromboli place a baking stone, if using, in the oven and preheat to 400*.  When the oven is preheated, brush the stromboli again with olive oil and cut some vents across the top to allow the steam to escape.  Move the parchment paper, containing the stromboli directly onto the baking stone or onto a baking sheet and bake for 20-30 minutes, until the crust is golden brown. Rotate the pan halfway through the cooking time for even cooking.  Print Recipe

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely bread by following our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated after each event on the BreadBakers home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send an email with your blog URL to

Stuffed Breads from the Bread Bakers

Sweet Breads

Savory Breads


  1. Not that's an awesome stromboli.

  2. I have gone from craving cinnamon filled breakfast breads to this delicious stromboli!

  3. So stromboli is just pizza that's in the Witness Protection Program? lol Fantastic bread, Wendy!

  4. Now that is just a big roll of yumminess. Can't wait to try one myself, thanks for the great recipe!!

  5. I said "Hurrah" as you put on the mozzarella. And I gave another cheer for the salami, but when you added prosciutto too, well, that's when the drooling began. Lovely stromboli, Wendy!

  6. Let the drooling begin. Looks wonderful! And I am sitting here making lists to start my healthy eating plan. Boo! Hoo! That is why trying to lose weight is so damn hard. Right? I laughed out loud at your 'protect the innocent' statement!!

  7. I'm glad I gave you your laugh for the day Paula and you are right it is very hard to eat well all the time.

  8. Omg that cheese oozing out makes me want some right now!

  9. stromboli had been on my list but at the last moment I changed. yours with that filling is just fabulous. wish I could have a bite right now!

    1. Thanks Mireille, I'm glad you decided to make the Russian Pierogi instead. I just recently tried my hand at Polish Pierogi.

  10. My goodness that is a serious Stromboli! I wish I had made something similar and would love this hearty meal.

  11. Oh my goodness! This is totally what I would want on my day off. Eat and watch TV and not share with anyone.. not even if they begged :)) Great Stromboli.

    1. It was pretty rich Ansh so you would have plenty to share if you so wanted.

  12. Wow, that stromboli is packed with so many yummy things.. It looks absolutely delicious.

  13. This is like my husbands' dream stromboli! Meats and cheese!

  14. You said it Wendy! This is a dream come true for a meat lover like me! Your stromboli is a complete package of deliciousness! A must try for me, thanks for sharing!

  15. Wow! I am drooling over this stromboli, a complete meal.

  16. Gorgeous Bread you have it there.... Beautiful... I bet, it must be delicious too..

  17. Same pinch on the stromboli!!! Looks beautiful!! :)

  18. Wow!!!!!!!!!! love this recipe...although not a big fan of stromboli and never tried chicken stromboli......

    Smoked Meat Shop Astoria


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