
Friday, April 17, 2015

Another week just flew by so here's the Weekly Menu....

I am writing this on Friday night since our date night was canceled due to Frank's being indisposed and not feeling much like a date.  Instead we threw some potatoes, asparagus and a steak on the grill.  That's better than going out if you ask me!!!

Tomorrow I have my pal, EJ, coming over to help me bring the deck furniture out of storage while his Mom makes my house all spic and span.  No other great plans except to go see Mom for a bit.

Sunday we are singing at 9:30 Mass.  We need to go to the funeral parlor as a friend's Mom has passed, and then we are  just spending a quiet day at home.

Monday we will have an early dinner as I have a meeting at church.  Tuesday and Thursday, I hope to get back to Zumba. Friday all 3 dogs are going to the doctor and then in the evening we will be attending an appreciation dinner put on by the church for all the volunteers.  It is also Ting's birthday but we will celebrate over the weekend.

This week has not only been busy for us but Little Miss has been busy learning a new trick.  Here she is sharing kisses with her Grampy.

So there is next week in a nutshell...and here is what's on the menu.  Stop by each day for photos and recipes and join me on Monday at MPM.

Carribean Spiced Pork Chops
Carribean Black Beans and Rice
Mango Mojo Salsa

Skillet Roasted Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Green Beans

Meatless Monday
Homemade Pierogis
Buttered Corn

Chicken Stir Fry
Steamed Rice

Baked Beans

Pesto Chicken Melt
Homemade Potato Chips

Appreciation Dinner


  1. That is the sweetest video. Hope Frank is feeling better soon. Menu looks yummy!

    1. Thanks Paula. He went to the doc yesterday and had the catheter removed. He is much happier now.


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