
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Let's Talk Tuesday

It's 9 pm and I am just now sitting down for the evening.  For a little while anyway.  In an hour I've got to get up and finish some chores that I started.  It has been a very busy and productive day.

I got up this morning and went to Zumba.  Afterwards Jackie and I stopped and saw Mom.  She and her gang were all sitting around with the activity director playing trivia. Some of those residents are still pretty sharp when it comes to trivia.

When I got home I pulled out all the Halloween decorations and got part of the house decorated for the season.  Just the main floor so far.  Perhaps I will get to the basement tomorrow or Thursday.

When Frank got home we took a ride over to see our Little Miss Melody Elizabeth.  I had picked up some Halloween outfits for her and I took Ting and Tony some of the Corn Chowder we made last night.

Maddie thought Grampa was a great pillow today.

When we were done with our visit we went out for dinner and then hit the grocery store.  Larry and Mary arrive tomorrow morning and we thought it would be nice if there was food in the house.  Dick and Jackie will be joining us for dinner tomorrow night and I have to take Ting and Melody to the doctor tomorrow so it is going to be another crazy day.

When we got home we made up another batch of corn chowder.  I also cooked up the chicken that we did not have for dinner tonight and I will make Chicken Pot Pie on Thursday instead of the BBQ Ribs as scheduled.

Tomorrow is October 1st and I am, once again, joining with The Nesting Place for a 31 Day Challenge.  This year the challenge will have a twist because I am also joining with Five Minute Friday and each post for the 31 Day Challenge will be given a one word prompt which I will use to write about my topic each day for five minutes.  

Are you confused yet?  Don't worry, I will explain it more to you tomorrow.  Last year I was just starting my blogging journey and this challenge really helped me.  I wrote about dealing with Mom's Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease for 31 days.  It was a very popular topic and I made a lot of friends as well as letting go of a lot of stress.  This year I am going to try my hand at writing fiction for 5 minutes each day using the prompts given.  I have never written fiction.  I have sat down a couple of times and attempted is harder than you think.  I am hoping that breaking it into 5 minute sessions will help.

The last thing I want to talk to you about on this Tuesday is the book I finished reading a couple of days ago.  

Child 44

This book was very disturbing to me.  It takes place in Russia during the end of Stalin's reign.  Wow...that's all I can say is Wow.  I am so glad that I was born here in the United States and not into a Communist Country.  It was a very interesting read and I learned quite a bit about the communist mind set and how people were brainwashed and if not brainwashed, in a position to never question authority of any kind.  This is the first book in a trilogy.  When I first started reading it, I did not think that I would want to read the other two, about halfway through I was starting to think I might want to read them and now that I am finished with it I definitely am going to read the next two books. I'll let you know how they are.  Stalin died in  this book so I think that things get better for the Russian people now but I am not sure....I had a hard enough time in US History let alone World History as a kid.  Now as an adult, I am fascinated by history and I love historical fiction.

Which is a great segue into the new book I have started....

This book takes place in the 1800's during the time that the Mormons were leaving Europe, arriving on American soil and making the 1300 mile trek by foot to Salt Lake City, their Zion.  I have only read the first few chapters but I am already intrigued.

A year ago--Yearning for Yoga


  1. Oh my I just wrote a long reply and it blitzed into outerspace. I love the picture of Frank and the g-baby....pulls at the heartstrings. Darian had a girl and her mother drop by to visit today. They are going to Homecoming together this Friday. I am NOT ready to do this again. I am getting a cold and feel like hell.....I should get out my Halloween stuff

    1. Just breathe Grandma....It is very exciting for Darian (and for you if you allow it). They do grow up fast don't they. Before I know it Little Miss will be going off to dances. Sigh........

  2. Hello Wendy - just dropping by from FMF. I will be very interested to come by and read your fiction free writes. I have never tried that either.

    Have a great week and as busy as it sounds, I hope you will find plenty of writing time!


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