
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Super Saturday and the Weekly Menu

It is gorgeous out there today.  The sun is bright, the temp is perfect and there is no humidity.  What more could you ask for in life??

We are spending the day with John and Kirsten.  We are going to see The Book of Mormon at the Detroit Opera House.  It is a 2 pm matinee showing so we will have plenty of time to go out for dinner afterwards.

Tomorrow is supposed to be another lovely day.  I am making a dish from the Secret Recipe Club to which I belong and our reveal day is not until the 28th so you will have to check back then to see what I decided to make.  You really should check out the site and learn about the club.  It is great fun.

There is not much on the calendar for the rest of the week.  Friday we leave for our annual family canoe trip. That should be a lot of fun.  I won't have internet access so I will tell you all about it on Monday.

Below is our Weekly Menu, make sure you stop by each day for photos and recipes. I am linking up with a new site this week.  It belongs to one of our SRC members, Cindy from Hun, What's for dinner.  She is just starting with this Linky Party called "What's for Eats" so stop by and show her some support.  I will also be linking up with MPM and MSM so check out those sites as well for more great menu ideas.  Have a great week all.

Vegetable Pasta Salad

Out for dinner after the play

SRC main course (recipe to be revealed on 7/28)
Rice Mingle Salad

Meatless Monday
Pasta, Pesto and Peas

Try it Tuesday
Zucchini Enchiladas

BBQ Chicken Thighs and Drumsticks
Vegetable Pasta Salad

Greek Chicken Pitas
Fresh Fruit

Heading North for the Family Canoe Trip


  1. That pasta salad looks good. I made one today using the left-over angel hair pasta that we had for spaghetti this week. Put in tomatoes, yellow pepper and homemade ranch was yummy

  2. We just LOVE pasta salad. Yours looks great! So does your plan for this week. Thanks for linky up to What's for Eats? .


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