
Friday, July 25, 2014

Nearly Finished

I know that my posts have been scarce lately but I have been busy getting ready to have a baby shower here tomorrow!!!

But I figured I had 5 minutes available so I would link up with Lisa Jo Baker at Five Minute Friday.  I was saddened to hear that Lisa Jo had decided to hand off the reins of Five Minute Friday to another host beginning next month but I appreciate all the hard work she put in to making FMF a comfortable, friendly place for us to write our hearts out for 5 minutes each week.  Good luck Lisa in all your future endeavors.

Today's prompt is FINISH.


I spent today finishing up all the running around that needed to be done to be ready for the baby shower we are hosting this weekend.  For those of you who are new to my blog, our Chinese daughter, Tingting is having a baby girl in September.  We are very excited and have been working hard to throw her a nice shower that is actually more of a summer party in which we will be celebrating life.

My Traverse City family arrived last night so Jen and Spence went running around with me today as I did the last of the shopping.  We hit Menard's, Costco, Target, met Amy and Ting for lunch, Nino Salvaggio and then stopped to see Mom on the way home.  We left the house around 9 am and got home after 3 pm.  We were pretty worn out but excited because we were finished....with the running around at least.

Jen and I wasted a couple of hours lying around in the pool and catching up with our lives.


So now I am going to finish up my Friday post LOL.  Last week, I visited the Farmer's Market because it was Fish Day.  I got some lovely local walleye fillets so that is what we are having tonight for Fish Friday along with some Mac and Cheese and Glazed Carrots.  Frank put together the Mac and Cheese while we were lounging in the pool so it just needs to go in the oven.  He also made the batter for the fish and I have it soaking until it is time to fry it.  Frank is also making the glazed carrots.  That just leaves me to throw together the tartar sauce before frying up the fish.

Making your own Tartar Sauce is easy as can be.
Only 4 ingredients and 3 if you don't like onion.

Half a minute later you have Tartar Sauce that tastes better and is much less expensive than store bought.

It is going to be delicious on these Walleye Fillets.

Tartar Sauce

1/2 c. Miracle Whip
1/4 c. Sweet Relish
2 T. onion, finely diced
2 T. lemon juice

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl.  Print Recipe


  1. This is my first time posting a Five Minute Friday, but I love the idea and the community seems fun! And a baby shower, how fun! I pray it is a wonderful day for you and your family! Now the planning is finished and the party can start. Have a great day!

  2. Girl, that fish nearly jumped off the page at me...could it be because I haven't had time to eat yet today. You were on my mind all day - so excited to hear about your event. I was at a baseball field in the middle of nowhere with sketchy (at best) internet reception, so I couldn't wish you luck - but I sent it up into the universe - hope it made it your way and made you smile!

    1. Thanks Lisa, it turned out perfectly. I will be posting all about it later today.


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