
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Well that just made my day!!

I am linking up with Top Ten Tuesday and List it Tuesday today and talking about the ten random things that can just make my day.  Please join us!!

  1. Having the sun shining.  It  is almost impossible for me to have a bad day when the sun is shining.
  2. My husband's smile.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing my husband smile.
  3. A good song on the know, one of those crank it up full volume and sing at the top of your lungs songs.
  4. My dogs.  No one and nothing loves me the way my dogs do.  And today for our Photo of the Day Challenge we were to share our pets with you so here are mine....making my day this morning!!
  5. Finding Mom having a good day.
  6. My chickens.
  7. Cooking.
  8. A great, don't want to put it down book.
  9. A clean house....I love Fridays when Tamie comes and does her magic.
  10. A big hug for no reason at all.


  1. So Fiona says to Buddy - have you seen mom? I swear she was under here which Bella replies "Hey! Quiet down! I'm trying to get some sleep here!" Love this picture!!!

    1. ou are too funny.. Thank you for giving my a laugh before I head in to bed. Good night Lisa.

  2. Love the picture....I love a clean house too. Unfortunatley I don't have a Tamie coming on Fridays. Can I borrow her?? Here's a big virtual hug...for no reason at all!!!

    1. I wish I could send you my Tamie....she is the best!!! And thanks for the hug, you always know how to say the right thing.


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