
Monday, June 16, 2014


Our Photo a Day Challenge today from Carrots n Cake asks what motivates me today.  Hmmmmm.  I wasn't very motivated today.  I got up, took care of my morning routine, went and saw Mom (she was not as happy or content as yesterday), went for a mani/pedi, met Frank for lunch before heading to the funeral home.  Frank's cousin Tom passed away after being diagnosed with cancer in February. Tom was a young man.  That motivates me to live each day as if it is my last because, you never know, it just might be.

I had a touch of a headache all day and when I came home I didn't feel very motivated to do much of anything.

Then I saw my Nook lying there...beckoning to me.
And it motivated me to grab it and my floating chair and spend the afternoon relaxing in the pool!!


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