
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Slow and Easy Saturday

Our Photo a Day Challenge (#30summerdays) asked us what we were up to on this Saturday.  We had a slow and easy Saturday today.

I worked on my Weekly Menu this morning.  Then Frank ran up to the airport to do some maintenance on the plane and then over to Amy's to remove the kitchen sink so they can put the counter tops in next week.  While he was gone I watched the movie Moonstruck as it is our film for food n flix this month.  I will be posting my recipe and my thoughts on the movie on Monday.

When Frank got home we had omelets, toast and melon for breakfast.  Then I went out and spent a couple of hours vacuuming and skimming the pool.  I know a lot of people complain about pool upkeep but I love going out there and vacuuming on a bright sunny day like today.  It is very soothing to me.  I came in afterwards and Frank went to sing at Saturday Mass (we are singing tomorrow also) and I started dinner.

When I sat down and remembered about the Photo a Day Challenge I ran out and snapped a pic of the pool.  The bottom is still clean but not for long because the top is filled with cotton weed again. Our fields are filled with those dang cottonwood trees!!

I have another photo to share also.  We took this one yesterday before Ting headed down to the basement to get on the treadmill.  

Happy Saturday Everyone


  1. I could jump in that pool right this minute...our baseball tournament was HOT with absolutely no shade.

    1. I would love to lounge in the pool with you Lisa...we could have Frank make us a margarita and climb into the floating lounge chairs.

  2. We had one of those intex easy set pools that was 18 feet across and 5 feet deep for several years. Since Richard got sick I just can't get out to take care of it so I gave it away last year and sold our really nice ladder yesterday. Pool days at our house are over. I used to love cleaning it too, Wendy. Love that baby bump! When is she due??

    1. She is due September 30th. Sorry you had to get rid of the pool.


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