
Monday, June 2, 2014

Presto! Pesto!!

Tonight for Meatless Monday, I pulled some corn chowder from the freezer that I had put up in the fall.  It is nearly gone, I may have enough for one more meal in there, but it's okay because before you know it the corn harvest will be upon us and I can refill again for the rest of the year.

It is still kind of early to get any good tomatoes but thinking about the corn chowder had me hankering for some tomatoes to go with it so I decided to make Mozzarella and Tomato Panninis for a soup and sandwich dinner tonight.

I like pesto on my Mozzarella and Tomato Panninis so I first made up a big batch of pesto.  I only needed a little for each sandwich but I always make large batches and put small containers in the freezer to be used in pastas, soups and casseroles.

Pesto only takes a few ingredients: Basil, Pine Nuts, Olive Oil, Garlic, Pepper and Parmesan.
Some people toast the pine nuts....I don't.
I think the most important thing is to use a very good olive oil.

Leaves from 1 lge. bunch of Basil
1/2 c. Pine nuts
3 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed
1 c. Parmesan Cheese
5 or 6 grinds of fresh pepper
Olive Oil

Place all ingredients except olive oil in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until finely chopped.  With food processor running drizzle in the olive oil until the pesto is at the desired consistency, about 1/ 4 cup. Stop processing as soon as you reach your desired consistency so that the pesto is not completely smooth and has some texture.   Taste and season with salt if desired.  Print Recipe

Once the pesto is made you can start assembling the sandwiches.

Mozzarella and Tomato Pannini with Pesto

Italian Bread, Sliced
Tomato, Sliced 
Fresh Mozzarella, Sliced
Olive Oil

For each sandwich, brush olive oil on 1 side of 2 slices of bread.  Flip bread olive oil side down and brush each with pesto.  Layer tomatoes and cheese on one of the slices and top with the other.  Place on a griddle or in a fry pan over med high heat with a cast iron skillet on top of the sandwich to weigh it down.  Cook until bread is golden and cheese is melted.  Print Recipe

I am sharing this recipe on Thrifty Thursday....stop by for wonderful, money saving ideas!


  1. Yum!!!!! Wish we could dine w/ you! I would bring chocolate:) xo

    1. I would love to share dinner with you and visit and laugh and hug!!!

  2. I have never eaten pesto before..but that looks good and I will be making those sandwiches. I got a grill for Christmas and we have been making lots of panninis here

    1. I thought about getting a pannini grill but wasn't sure how often i would use it or if it would just be another item taking up room in my pantry. What kind of grill do you have?

  3. I had so much basil in my garden last year, I froze 4 ice cube trays of pesto cubes! I have 3 or 4 left, but my new basil is coming up beautifully. I think I'm going to try these sandwiches this week...yum

    1. I hope you enjoy them Lisa, is your pesto recipe similar to mine?

  4. Hello! I am visiting from Paula's blog. Smidgeons, Snippets and Bits, where she posted your recipe with a link to your blog post. I make pesto, but oddly have never made an official paninni . . . plenty of ordinary grilled cheese sandwiches, however. I will certainly have to step out of the box and give it a try. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I hope you enjoy it Gram. We had them for dinner last night. Mmmmmmm.


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