
Friday, May 16, 2014

We will weather the weather whether we want to or not and I will post the Weekly Menu

Ok, so our trip to Virginia is canceled.  The weather did not cooperate for the wedding and it is not cooperating for this weekend!!  The sun is out and shining here this morning but Virginia Beach is getting hit with storms.  We didn't let the rain dampen our spirits or plans on the wedding day and we are not going to let it ruin our weekend....We refuse to let the weather rain on our parade!!  But I am very disappointed I am not going to see Chuck...I really miss that guy!!

So here are our new we will take back the trellis, take the truck in to be repaired and have the cedar planked salmon that we did not have last week for dinner.  Saturday we are going to do yard work in between storms and before Mass.  We will have dinner out after Mass. Sunday Amy and Doug are coming over for dinner.

We are flying to Traverse City to see Lili's game, if the weather permits, so for breakfast on Try it Tuesday I am going to make Eggs Benedict.  I have never made Eggs Benedict and I think it is high time I do so.

Wednesday I have distributions at the food pantry so I have a crockpot meal on the menu with planned leftovers for Thursday when we have choir.


So here is our meal plan for next week.  I am sharing it on Menu Plan Monday and you should share yours with us too...or at least stop by for some great menu ideas.  And remember to stop back here each day as I post recipes and photos.

out for dinner after Mass

Vegetable Pasta Salad
Strawberry Shortcake Almond Sponge Cakes

Meatless Monday
Tabbouleh Salad
Grilled Pitas with Feta Yogurt Dip

Try it Tuesday
Eggs Benedict

Pork Roast Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
Mashed Potatoes Caesar Salad
Steamed Green Beans

BBQ Pork Sandwiches
Cole Slaw Broccoli Salad
Sweet Potato Fries

Fish Friday
Linguine with Clam Sauce


  1. You never let anything get you down!!!

    1. Well I try not to sweat the small stuff and in the is all small stuff.


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