
Friday, May 30, 2014

It's Nothing.....

Five Minute Friday is our place to take 5 minutes and just write about what is on our mind.  Our host, Lisa Jo, gives us a prompt to get us started.  We set a timer for 5 minutes and we just write.

Today's prompt is NOTHING.


It is nothing, these are the words I am hoping to hear today.  Yesterday morning I was brushing my teeth when I noticed that I had a huge lump on the side of my neck.  There was no pain and I had not hurt myself. I called the doc and made an appointment for this morning. Since then I have had lots of different people look at it at tell me it is a lymph node that is swollen.

I would be lying if I said that this is not worrisome to me.  I am anxious to go to the doctor so that she can assure me that it is nothing.  My friend, Lou, who is a nurse and has worked oncology for a great part of her career told me that it is probably because I have just gotten over being sick.  I have never had anything like this before.  I am determined that I am not going to panic though because I am sure the doctor is going to tell me it is nothing....and if it is something there is nothing that worrying will do to help.



  1. It is so true that no matter how hard you try to tell yourself it's nothing, there's still that small part of your brain that says, "Well, what if it's [insert horrible-long shot-life threatening disease here]."

    I will be praying for you today, and I hope you'll share an update when you get one!

    Visiting from FMF:
    And we have the same background on our blogs! Fun!

  2. I know those feelings, though they were from my husband being diagnosed. You are in my prayers ... I'm sure it is nothing. =) Please let us know.

    1. Thanks Andrea. I will be updating as soon as I know anything.

  3. I'm waiting for a similar diagnosis for my daughter - I know the feeling. :(

  4. I am sending you prayers and good thoughts. Hope to hear back soon with what 'nothing' it was...

    1. Thanks Paula, unfortunately it will be a while now because I go for a CAT scan on Tuesday and then will have to await the results.

  5. I know how hard it is to wait . You'll be in my prayers.

    P.S If possible avoid searching online for answers.

  6. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way Wendy:) Praying that your results will come out fine and you can just put all this behind you. Take care and God bless you! (HUGS)...

    1. Thank you Denise. I will take all the prayers I can get.


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