
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Weekly Menu featuring Easter Leftovers

Many of you, who follow this blog, know that unless I plan on leftovers I find that they just languish in the refrigerator until they are no longer recognizable.  So, whenever I am planning my menu, I keep in mind what will be leftover from each meal and plan other meals using those ingredients.  It saves me time, money and guilty feelings from throwing away what was once perfectly good food.

This is a perfect "Eat From Your Pantry" menu so I am linking up with Money Saving Mom to share these ideas with others in her Impromptu, Eat From Your Pantry Challenge.

Today I am using up the rest of the chicken with which I made my chicken stock last week.

Tomorrow is can find our menu here.

Thursday we are celebrating Tingting's birthday and Friday we are going to an Elimination Raffle with the Bendas which includes dinner.

So here is my menu for the week.  Please stop by each day for photos and recipes. You will also want to join me at Menu Plan Monday where there are tons of great menu ideas.

Chicken Pot Pie

Easter Sunday

Ham and Asparagus Quiche

Try it Tuesday
Lamb Casserole

Split Pea Soup with Ham

Thursday-Ting's Birthday Dinner
Barbecued Baby Back Ribs
Fried Chicken
Roasted Red Skin Potatoes
Rice Mingle Salad
Baked Beans
Cole Slaw
Fruit Salad

Elimination Raffle Dinner


  1. Can't wait to see your recipe for the quiche!

  2. Wow, the recipes for these would come in very handy.

    Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  3. For the first time in forever, we won't be doing an Easter dinner. My husband is working, mom is in rehab and the kids would rather have pizza. I will be dining vicariously with you. I'm going to pull the chunk of ham out of my freezer for some soup soothes the soul.

    1. Well, enjoy your day off. What line of work is your husband in? Frank and I are both retired Police Officers and worked many, many Holidays. When we worked afternoons I would cook for my family in the morning and eat an early dinner, around 2 pm. Then while we were working some of the shift would swing by and we would all have leftovers during our lunch break. That was one of the benefits of having to live in the city in which you worked.


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