
Sunday, April 20, 2014

He is Risen. Alleluia!! Alleluia!!

We had some early morning visitors today.

They didn't stay long.

Just stopped by to say "Happy Easter"

I have been going steadily since getting up this morning.  No lounging around with coffee today but I really don't mind because I am happiest in my kitchen, preparing food for those I love.  I have everything prepared and ready to be finished up.  I have a schedule posted reminding me what time to put each dish into the oven or onto the grill or stovetop.  The stock for the soup is in the refrigerator to be brought to a boil and the pasta added right before dinner as that will be our first course, and I will wait to dress the salad immediately before serving.  

The lamb is marinading and will be ready to put on the grill.
I adapted the marinade from a recipe that Frank's brother in law gave me.
Mix together a 1/2 c. olive oil
 the juice of one lemon
 1 small onion, peeled and cut into chunks
 a sprig of rosemary for each rack
  1/2 c. of mint, chopped
 salt and pepper to taste
Place lamb into a deep bowl and cover with marinade.
Marinade at room temperature for 3-4 hours, turning occasionally.
(I use ziploc bags instead of a bowl)
Grill over Med-High heat to desired temperature.
(I like my lamb med-rare)

The Kielbasa is ready to go into the oven.

Along with the Ham.

The potatoes are ready for the oven.
I used this recipe but used Gruyere cheese instead of Colby-Jack.

I decided to add Baked Pineapple to the menu.

I am serving 3 different kinds of Pierogi.
In front you have mushroom, next sauerkraut and finally potato-cheese.
I use pre-made pierogi from a Polish bakery, melt a good amount of butter (I used a full cup for these 3 casseroles) in which you slightly saute the onions and pour over the pierogi.  Bake, covered at 350* until heated through. (about 45 min. to an hour.)  Print recipe

The carrots are ready to be glazed.

The Corn is ready to be buttered.

The asparagus is ready to be steamed.

Ok, it is time for me to get myself ready and get the table set before our guests arrive.  I will be back later with another post of the rest of this Joyful Easter Day.  May you all have a wonderful celebration.  Alleluia, Allelluia!!!


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